Will a SPACE JOCKEY Appear in Alien Romulus?

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-uV2v7YrCc

Duration: 9:43

Will an Engineer aka Space Jockey appear in the upcoming Alien Romulus ???
Originally, the origin and purpose behind the Space Jockeys was left mysterious for a period of 33 years between the first Alien movie in 1979 up until 2012. During this time, a lot of extended media, mainly comicbooks and novelisations, would attempt to open up and expand upon the Space Jockeys themselves.
This was, until the previous two Alien movies, namely Prometheus, dove into their backstory, and revealed them to have a distinctly Humanoid-form, rather than how they were perceived before, as being a biomechanical species as the Jockey in the Derelict looked like, half organic, half machine; but this was instead revealed to be a suit the actual creature was inside, rather than being it’s actual body.
Also, they were given an official name of “Engineers”, replacing the previous unofficial title, “Space Jockeys”.

So, how could an Engineer be included in Alien Romulus, and would it make sense for them to do so?
Well, not much info about the new movie has been unveiled as of making this video, but if we take a look at the Alien Romulus page on the Xenopedia wiki, under Plot, it reads:

'The film, an original standalone feature based on the original sci-fi horror movie released in 1979, will follow a group of young people on a distant world, who find themselves in a confrontation with the most terrifying life form in the universe.

Romulus takes place in 2142; between the events of Alien and Aliens. Most of the film takes place on the space station Renaissance. Many of the characters are siblings, whether it be through blood, or as surrogate siblings.

Romulus takes place in the 'era' of the first film. This is represented on-screen with the technology present being the same (or at least similar) to that in Alien, whereas the technology seen in Aliens is on the cusp of being developed. The film is designed to be accessible to those who have not watched any prior Alien films. Its level of connectivity to said films has differed between sources. According to Collider, Romulus will have no connection to any previous Alien film or the Alien TV series. According to Alvarez himself however, connections to the other films aren't ignored, specifically mentioning Alien and Alien: Covenant.

So, going by the articles and interviews this page is referencing, it seems the new movie will have some connection to the previous films, only loosely, but not outright ignoring them, so it would seem they aren’t entirely retconning the two prequel movies. But with it being set after Prometheus, Covenant, and Alien, it may reference them, but obviously not anything from Aliens or onwards, or Alien vs Predator.
Also seeing as this text says it “mostly” takes place on the space station “Renaissance” and not entirely, then could that mean perhaps that maybe could the Covenant be found by the crew members of the Renaissance, perhaps if they detect it and then maybe dock with, and board it, could that maybe lead them to discovering David’s experiments and how he creates the Xenomorphs, and then that leading them to the Engineers somehow?

If you saw Alien Covenant, then you may be thinking, “ hey, wait a minute.. I thought David dropped the Black Goo on the Engineers, and wiped them out. How could they still exist in Alien Romulus if it’s set after Alien Covenant?”
Well, it is said that the inhabitants of the planet in Covenant aren’t actually Engineeers, but rather, another race created by them, just like Humans, as evidenced by their differing appearance to the Engineers from Prometheus. The beings in Covenant look more like half-way between Humans and Engineers, rather than actual engineers, as well as their civilisation looking no where near that of even Humans, let alone Engineers, except for the docking module, but that doesn’t match the surrounding structures, so could easily just be some technology left behind by the Engineers. Also, if you look at the way they react to the Engineer ship, its as if it is out of the ordinary, and like they are excited because they think the Engineers are returning, who they likely worship, kinda like in AVP when the ancient Antarcticans worshipped the Predators.

So, a little bit more on the Engineers themselves:
Also known as Space Jockeys, Engineers were an ancient extraterrestrial species of unknown origin. They possessed some of the most advanced technology in the entire galaxy, with special emphasis placed on their skills in genetic engineering. Credited with the creation of humankind, Engineers were believed to have been beneficent creators of sorts, who sailed the stars terraforming primordial celestial bodies and seeding them with the foundations of biological life. As such, they were revered as gods by the species they created.

Deep Space by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Artist: http://audionautix.com/


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