Assassin's Creed Syndicate YouTube Views and Videos

Assassin's Creed Syndicate

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Assassin's Creed® Syndicate - Steam Store Page

Annual Statistics

YearVideos% of TotalDuration

7-Day Statistics

Last 7-DaysPrevious 7-DaysDifference
Channels: 105118-11.02%
Views: 21,831103,792-78.97%
Videos: 250289-13.49%
Duration: 21:46:1313:25:2562.18%

30-Day Statistics

Last 30-DaysPrevious 30-DaysDifference
Channels: 301359-16.16%
Views: 435,1091,023,269-57.48%
Videos: 1,2901,637-21.20%
Duration: 2:12:50:5812:35:05383.52%

Channels With The Most Views

1.United States theRadBrad30,276,317
2.United States devinsupertramp27,136,832
3.United States DroidCheat20,022,147
4.Russian Federation RusGameTactics15,087,691
5. Ubisoft Music14,561,306
6.Ukraine TheBrainDit13,444,137
7.Canada TetraNinja12,827,226
8.Romania MrEdxwx12,517,400
9.United States ASTRÆ611,981,335
10.Brazil Tauz Oficial11,815,573

Latest Let's Plays For Assassin's Creed Syndicate

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2024-08-04 Matt RowlandAssassin's Creed: Syndicate - Let's Play - Episode 21:12:2411
2024-08-03Germany Herr Gamerlorgun Assassin’s Creed Syndicate 19: Queen Victoria Erinnerung1:26:2719
2024-07-28United States Santonium's Stream StashASSASSINS CREED SYNDICATE | Full Game Playthrough9:34:50128
2024-07-18Russian Federation Pure AngerAssassin’s Creed Syndicate - 61 серия - Смертельный сеанс46:2617
2024-07-04Switzerland Mundart Games TVRagdoll Physics Are The Best - AC Syndicate #short #shorts #acsyndicate #ragdoll #ragdollphysics0:22412
2024-07-01United States Gaming with Krimzon KnightKrimzon Plays | Assassin’s Creed Syndicate – Jack the Ripper: Episode 2 – Darkens3:13:1027
2024-06-30United States Eric McCarthyAssassin's Creed syndicate first playthrough3:03:1052
2024-06-29Sweden Simply9Attending my new Job | AC Syndicate Let's Play Part 77:5221
2024-06-27United States Night ShaderThursday Lets Play Assassins Creed Syndicate Episode 24: Karl's Movement45:481
2024-06-24Germany BibisMobileGames - Kids Apps & Kids GamesWas it Good? - Assassin's Creed Syndicate | PlayStation 4 Gameplay30:0040
2024-06-22United States J burkie07i Had To Help Him DO WHAT? Assassin's Creed Syndicate [Part 27]24:2941
2024-06-21 Granorite100% Assassin's Creed Syndicate Episode #33 - Helping out Marx1:18:1316
2024-06-14 Elias San[FR] ASSASSIN'S CREED SYNDICATE : Les Jumeaux FRYE (#1)49:09280
2024-06-11 fifthYONKO_luffyAssassin's Creed SYNDICATE| 1ST PLAYTHROUGH | PS5 GAMEPLAY37:040
2024-06-11United States Jeff the NarratorLet's Play Assassin's Creed: Syndicate! Part Ten - Reclaiming The Thames1:09:4116
2024-06-09France TwigFr - Let's PlayASSASSIN'S CREED SYNDICATE LET'S PLAY FR #FIN1:14:4426
2024-06-05India Jak B GamingAssassin’s Creed Syndicate | Karl Marx Memories | Where There is Smoke5:3420
2024-06-02Germany Beagle on GamesLet's Play Assassin's Creed Syndicate: Jack the Ripper [10 Finale] - Der Ripper wills wissen32:043
2024-05-30 Captain DarkStormSyndicate Gameplay: Charles Darwin Sighting! #youtube53:282
2024-05-13United States Low300kAssassin creed syndicate playthrough p21:05:304
2024-05-03United Kingdom BenjioI have the worst luck #gaming #gameplay #games #assassinscreedsyndicate #assassinscreed #playthrough0:155,445
2024-05-03Australia SUPER WOLF TAMERAssassins Creed Syndicate play through part 3530:1310
2024-04-27Brazil Combo InfinitoÉ Assim que ASSASSIN'S CREED Hexe Poderá Ser! Detalhes INÉDITOS!14:583,785
2024-04-24 LiterallyCamperPlaysI dont trust him Assassins Creed Syndicate LiterallyCamperPlays27:5021
2024-04-23United Kingdom ClassixGamerLet's Play Assassin's Creed Syndicate Part 1757:245

Latest Reviews For Assassin's Creed Syndicate

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2024-09-05United Kingdom hangout_boy TvAssassin's Creed Syndicate#60:000
2024-08-01India GamerishIn The Heat Of The Moment - Assassin's Creed Syndicate8:244
2024-06-16India BLUE GAMINGAssassin's Creed Syndicate: Jack The Ripper | கொலைகாரன் சம்பவம் Tamil live4:17:0723
2024-06-05 Tonight player- لاعب الليلما انتا هتتخطف يعني هتتخطف النهارده 😡😡😡| assassin creed syndicate8:367
2024-04-28Indonesia ARIF COMBOReview Ninja Terbaru Konan Ronin Yg Cakep Buat Didapatkan Dan Review Kimimaro Free NARUTO MOBILE FIG15:511,109
2024-03-29United States HoodieJonesIs Assassin's Creed Syndicate Worth Playing in 2024?10:43591
2024-03-29United Kingdom Ironside GeorgeI Gave AC Syndicate a Second Chance in 2024...21:18109,462
2024-02-24Germany Viktor GamesПрохождение Assassin's Creed Syndicate (Assassin's Creed Синдикат)2:50:4865
2024-02-17India JimmizardAssassin's Creed Syndicate 8 Years Later - Another Underrated Ubisoft Title..!!29:4047
2024-02-17United States FlamingAngel25🔴LIVE! Assassin’s Creed Syndicate - Part 61:36:1136
2024-02-17United States Jpassword1Pogo Reupload - Assassin's Creed - Syndicate Review5:5382
2024-02-08India DeSi PandeyAssassin's creed Syndicate Stealth2:5213
2024-02-01 mreivorAssassin's Creed Syndicate - Jack the Ripper review xbox series s35:4314
2024-01-14Indonesia Syahrul Al-FatahKOTA LONDON BEBAS DAN SELAMAT!!! - Assassin's Creed Syndicate #8 (END)3:13:5271
2024-01-13Canada Save our Planet EntertainmentAssassins Creed Syndicate review - High highs, and low lows14:0949
2024-01-07United Kingdom Altair StealthThe Version of AC Syndicate That Ubisoft Never Released8:4998,131
2023-12-16India Tamilan DeadshotMaster the Art of Stealth with Assassins Creed Syndicate58:1844
2023-12-13India PS GAMING HRAssassin's Creed Syndicate Gameplay with Facecam Live | PS GAMING HR1:46:2839
2023-12-09India ASHISH K VAITYAssassin's Creed Syndicate Bounty Hunt9:38133
2023-12-05 All Errors Fixer 🅥Assassin's Creed Syndicate syndicate in hindi part 429:3817
2023-12-01United States SugaLemonsAssassin's Creed Syndicate *100% Sync* Let's Play Part 63 (REVIEW)9:0115
2023-12-01Indonesia Viest TVAssassin's Creed Syndicate Gameplay Review (PC FullHD) [1080p60FPS]9:41148
2023-11-28 pixelplayzplay for the first time Assassin’s Creed Syndicate || road to400 suds||2:36:5941
2023-11-28Ukraine bySanya@🎮 Assassin's Creed Syndicate ( GTX1660 SUPER / FullHD | TEST / REVIEW )4:5621
2023-11-27India Wide Time GamingCLAIM IT FREE !!!! - Assassin's Creed Syndicate !0:52505

Most Viewed Assassin's Creed Syndicate Video on YouTube

The most viewed Assassin's Creed Syndicate video on YouTube is Assassin's Creed Syndicate Meets Parkour in Real Life! in 4K! with 27,136,832 views, published by United States devinsupertramp on July 6, 2015.

Most Liked Assassin's Creed Syndicate Video on YouTube

The most liked Assassin's Creed Syndicate video on YouTube is Assassin's Creed Syndicate Meets Parkour in Real Life! in 4K! with 512,956 likes, published by United States devinsupertramp on July 6, 2015.