Squirrel with a Gun

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Squirrel with a Gun - Steam Store Page

Annual Statistics

YearVideos% of TotalDuration

7-Day Statistics

Last 7-DaysPrevious 7-DaysDifference
Channels: 2389-74.16%
Views: 987,191665,94148.24%
Videos: 39121-67.77%
Duration: 0:0016:05-100.00%

30-Day Statistics

Last 30-DaysPrevious 30-DaysDifference
Channels: 361432-16.44%
Views: 10,738,9697,840,07836.98%
Videos: 6796553.66%
Duration: 2:22:0915:25822.05%

Channels With The Most Views

1.Ireland jacksepticeye2,087,288
2.Mexico Silvio Gamer1,523,036
3. Jazzghost1,466,007
4.Mexico Chilvio Gamer891,001
5.Brazil Games EduUu740,908
6.United States special edd618,711
7.Argentina TheDonato592,388
8.Viet Nam MixiGaming557,203
9.Canada SpyCakes541,602
10. Sam Tabor Gaming522,485

Channels With The Most Videos

1. Monkmandan31
2.Canada Gooderness28
3.Thailand LightKiraCH17
4.Australia Guilty Reborn16
5.United States TriStrider14
6.United States shmerglez12
7. Slyassassin21712
8.Switzerland Akuyaku12
9.Germany Bluemaster198111
10.Australia Jaxek11

Latest Let's Plays For Squirrel with a Gun

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2024-09-11Germany Bluemaster1981Squirrel with a Gun (Steam/EPIC/PS5/XSX) auf der Grillparty und im pikanten Haus Part 217:179

Most Viewed Squirrel with a Gun Video on YouTube

The most viewed Squirrel with a Gun video on YouTube is Squirrel With A Gun (FULL GAME) with 2,087,288 views, published by Ireland jacksepticeye on September 20, 2024.

Most Liked Squirrel with a Gun Video on YouTube

The most liked Squirrel with a Gun video on YouTube is Squirrel with a Gun | Game Profile | Unreal Engine with 293 likes, published by Unreal Engine on June 18, 2024.