Cloak & Dagger arcade 1cc

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Duration: 12:49

A 1-credit clear of the arcade game Cloak & Dagger, played with WolfMAME 0.261. Score: 1,385,888. Fight your way to floor 33, grab the top secret plans, then get all the way back out. It's kind of neat to have a game where you have to reach the ending and *then* make it back out - you might expect the last part of return trip to be easy, but on the return trip the guards are more NUMEROUS AND CRANKY, and they're node monsters that start swarming out from the center. I learned a route from the top-scoring MARP replay, but I still don't understand how the express elevator works - sometimes it lets me skip more levels than on other runs. This game had a tie-in movie (or maybe it was the movie that had this tie-in game?). Neither the game nor the movie is all *that* memorable, but this is a fun twin-stick shooter. I like it even better than Robotron 2084...