Daggerfall to Skyrim - Limitations on the Creative Process: Graphical Fidelity, Demographics, & VO

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxeg03BHa8c

Duration: 33:05

This is a cumulation of things I've gone over with Live-Stream viewers a few times, and I figured I'd codify them in the form of a YouTube video I could point to. I'm going to ramble about 20 mins on my preferences regarding the Elder Scrolls then spend about 10 mins explaining what is limiting the creative process and why we are suffering the 2 steps forward 1 step back syndrome with each successive game. From Daggerfall to Morrowind to Oblivion to Skyrim each time a new game is created, for the most part everything gets thrown out and restarted, not a progression of features. The main culprits are Demographics, Graphical Fidelity, and Voice Acting and I'll get into discussing those as well. A lot of people are going to jump to conclusions based on my comparisons to the Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim's cinematic experiences, but as per usual, anything gleamed at the beginning of the video is likely going to be wrong.

Other Videos By Zaric Zhakaron

2017-03-04Arena to Skyrim to ESO - Rejection of the Sandbox - Other Games & MMORPGs
2017-02-25Legend of Zelda Satellite Broadcast Review - Never released outside of Japan
2017-02-12Skyrim Mods Discussion /w Migrant Thought | Chilling and talking about tons of other stuff
2017-02-12PC Hardware Discussion /w M30Tech | Proclockers, PCMR, other topics
2017-02-11Skyrim Special Edition 150 Mod Limit & Why I DON'T CARE! | Paid Mods, Snapmap, Bethedanet Future
2017-02-10[Highlight] Elder Scrolls 2: Ratfall
2017-02-01I HATE Nintendo as a company, but love them as creators | Let's Talk THE SWITCH
2017-01-22Elder Scrolls Lore/Gameplay Rambling Discussion | ft. John Blood | Playing TES2 Daggerfall
2017-01-20"The Mod Community is DYING!" | Skyrim & Fallout 4 | A Neverending Flux + Bad Timing
2017-01-20YOU DESERVE TO LOSE! Trololololol! Introducing Oversalt! (Overwatch)
2017-01-14Daggerfall to Skyrim - Limitations on the Creative Process: Graphical Fidelity, Demographics, & VO
2017-01-07[Highlight] I haven't seen any Vampire Menace, have you Himskir?
2016-12-29[Highlight] Fallout 4: How you feeling Shaun? I wasn't expecting that.
2016-12-24Top 5 Games & Top 3 Disappointments of 2016 - Because the Internet Loves Lists
2016-12-23[Highlight] Fargoth's Final Form: Dark Brotherhood Master (Morrowind)
2016-12-22[Highlight] Elder Scrolls 4: Most Powerful Battlemage in Oblivion!
2016-12-17Arena to Skyrim - What is Elder Scrolls Lore? Developers & Community - What's C0DA? (TESLORE)
2016-12-08[Highlight] The Best Character in Skyrim
2016-12-02Path of Exile (PoE) My EXTREMLY biased Review
2016-12-01[Highlight] Mid-Air Tactical Level Up! UUUUUUUUP! Far Harbor and the Havoc Physics Engine!
2016-11-29Left 4 Dead - Haven't played this in YEARS | L4D2 4 player Zombie Co-Op

The Elder Scrolls
Creative Process
Voice Acting
Graphical Fidelity

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Statistics For Zaric Zhakaron

Currently, Zaric Zhakaron has 5,236,641 views for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim across 279 videos. This game accounts for over 33 days of watchable video on his channel, roughly 20.48% of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim content that Zaric Zhakaron has uploaded to YouTube.