Evil Nun 2: Origins《鬼修女2》- 超大圖又新寵物

Evil Nun 2: Origins《鬼修女2》- 超大圖又新寵物

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KW9lx_cFZ74

Duration: 22:17

The Evil Nun is back, but this time get ready for a different level of horror in the Nun games school!
In the prequel, the player will discover all the pasts of the Evil Nun and there will be 3 mutant chickens named Gummy, Roostel, and Mr. C will be the player 's enemies, unlike the chicken in Evil Nun 1. And there will be a completely different Chase Music that is an orchestra music with flashing murder-like sounds and violin vibes.

《鬼修女2 Evil Nun 2》是一款3d冒险类游戏,在这款游戏中玩家们将会深入到邪恶修女背后的秘密,寻找关于她的起源故事。游戏中玩家们会遇到新的谜题,让你在这款游戏中来尝试更多不同的解谜手段来展开故事剧情。

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