Let's Play UFO Aftershock 42: The Wargots
The Wargots are the invading race that arrived in the strange ship that is now in orbit of Earth. How we know their names before we've even done any research on them we don't know but what we do know is that they're numerous, heavily armed and very aggressive. This is not typically conducive to peaceful coexistance because they happen to be pointing their aggression directly at us, as if we didn't have enough things to worry about what with the reticulans, mutants and the rapidly expanding cultist faction on the planet.
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Kikoskia currently has 779,254 views spread across 165 videos for UFO: Aftershock. There's over 1 day worth of watchable video for UFO: Aftershock published on his channel, less than 0.80% of the total video content that Kikoskia has uploaded to YouTube.