Soul Edge Arcade

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Soul Edge (1995)
Duration: 20:30

Soul Edge's events take place in 1583.

Soul Edge's story tells the tale of warriors searching for the ultimate sword, "Soul Edge". It has been given many names throughout the story, such as "The Sword of Salvation", "The Sword of Heroes", and "The Ultimate Sword" among others. Many strong warriors searched for years, but very few actually found it. The sword, now in the form of a twin pair of long swords, appeared mysteriously in an auction. They were taken by the dreaded Captain Cervantes. Nothing was known of his fate thereafter...

Now, nine warriors from around the world search for the sword for different reasons. Some for power, others for revenge; some believing it's a benevolent sword, searching for its support; while others knowing of its evil nature, seeking its destruction. Nothing is known for certain about the sword, except for one thing: it brings misfortune to those seeking it.

Soul Edge was created prior to the introduction of the "8-Way Run", which allowed the player to move their character in a complete range on the Y-axis. The characters can sidestep on either side by double-tapping up or down. The jump maneuver moves the player higher into the air, even allowing it to pass above the opponent. One of the most notable gameplay aspects is the "Weapon Gauge".
This bar was found under the character's lifebar and was comparable to the equipped weapons' resistance. Each time the player blocked an attack, the bar would deplete. If the bar was totally emptied, the character would lose his/her weapon and be forced to end the match unarmed. Though this is an original idea, unfortunately the unarmed move-lists are the same for every character. Another feature that was removed from Soulcalibur's engine is when two character strike at the same time, "locking" their weapons. In those situations, those who pressed the right button would have the advantage. This aspect behaves similarly to rock-paper-scissors.

Character moves retain a feel of Namco's Tekken series. Each character has in his or her arsenal one or two unblock attacks, balanced however because of its slow execution. Also, each character is capable of performing one or two Critical Edge attacks, which consisted of a long series of linked hits, which usually ended in a strong high attack. These moves require the input of a special combination of two parts: they're activated by pressing "A+B+K" together, and if it connects, the player has the chance of extending the combo with a character-only sequence, which must be input during the attack. This attack depletes 1/3 of the Weapon Gauge when used.

To achieve a ring out, the player must be knocked outside the ring by an enemy; though the player can accidentally ring out his/her own character.


Soul Edge
Soul Edge Arcade
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soul edge arcade
soul edge arcade namco
SE Arcade
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Namco Soul Edge Arcade
Namco Soul Edge
Namco Arcade Soul Edge
Arcade Soul Edge
Arcade Soul Edge Namco
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Soul Edge Arcade Siegfried
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soul edge namco arcade
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SoulEdge namco