The Saboteur (PS3) - glitches & observations pt. 1

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Duration: 4:44

The Saboteur is a pretty nice open world game. The art style is unnerving and stylish, although the fact that there are only eight or so different songs in the car radio is starting to piss me off. Oh well, here are some glitches from my current playthrough... and more are on the way.

I: if you stand on some shoddy collision, Sean may start shaking when trying to set up dynamite.

II: a particularly restless Searchlight. I don't know how a supposedly static object in the game world managed to sink inside a building, warranting this shaking fit, but there you go.

III: doing a kick into water gives Sean a small speed boost, unlike other melee attacks.

IV: the river at Picardy has a glitchy water line that ends too soon, allowing you to see under the water surface. However, it didn't seem possible to walk all the way under the water surface... it's likely the water area is an invisible "cube" that catches Sean if he tries to go beneath the surface.

Apparently when exiting water, Sean is affected by gravity and descends until he hits the nearest floor, after which he starts moving normal again.

V: sometimes when kicking boxes, a part of their collision is sent flying at a really fast speed, hitting and damaging Sean and throwing him away with it. Once I flew in the air after kicking a box, but that didn't became caught on tape.

(Not on the vid: if you kill important NPCs, you get "mission failed" even before starting a mission!)

VI: being a nuisance to Skylar part 1. Here Skylar was shoved in a cramped space and she started spazzing out.

VII: being a nuisance to Skylar part 2. You'd imagine a car tire on one's face would be somewhat painful, but she takes it well.

VIII: in rare cases you can get two game over screens in a row. Like here with "car got thrashed" and "Skylar died". Choosing to retry twice makes the retry to become buffered twice as well.

IX: if you reload from checkpoint at the last moment before you get a game over message, the game over message pops up during loading time. If you choose to load a save now, the game will load the save you picked while gameplay is running in the background. Intriguing! But... you can't move Sean at all, so in most circumstances this doesn't create any additional glitches. We'd need some checkpoint that starts from a cutscene or other specialty to create more contradictions.

X: if you do the above but choose to return to HQ instead, the game will crash. 100% guaranteed.

The Saboteur (Video Game)