Twin Eagle II The Rescue by Seta (1994)

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Twin Eagle (1988)
Duration: 31:50

♦ Title: Twin Eagle II The Rescue
♦ Publisher: Seta
♦ Year Published: 1994
♦ Genre: Helicopter Isometric 3d Shooter on a 2 dimensional plane
♦ Format: Arcade
♠ Recording Device: Avermedia Gamer HD PCI-Express
♠ Recording Resolution: 720 x 480 @ 30 fps
♠ Aspect Ratio: 4:3
♣ Review:

I've never really played this game in the arcades, but it looks like a fun game with great graphics. This game was made in 1994 which was about the time the Playstation came out. By 1994, 16 bit graphics was at its pinnacle of its developmental stage. The graphics on this game represents the achievement in arcade gaming development at the time. I am not really sure if this game is 16 bits or 32 bits. In the mid 1990s, we 32 bit processors were common place at the time. The Playstation, 3do, 80486, and 80586(Pentium) processors were all 32 bit processors. The 16 bit processors were the Motorola 68000, Intel 80286, & Intel 80386 DX/SX processors. Never the less, this game must have been some of the first 32 bit games.

In the mid 1990s, the arcades began to lose its edge against home console systems, and personal computers in graphics. Before the mid 1990s, the arcade games were clearly superior to anything in the home console or personal computer markets. The graphics on Twin Eagle II is quite good; however, it wasn't state of the art compared to console or personal computer graphics at the time.

Twin Eagle II has great graphics, and it is very action packed game. It is a pretty difficult game, but wasn't a unreasonably difficult game. I had never played this game in the arcades, because I wasn't at the arcades much in 1994 and later. I was more into console system at the time, like the Sega Saturn, Panasonic 3do, and the Sony Playstation. I was also into computer games utilizing the latest Pentium processors.

Twin Eagle II had semi-3d graphics, but you are still trapped in a 2d plane in the x and y axis. There is no depth despite the 3d graphics illusion, it is a glorified 2d isometric game. There is depth in the game, because you have to use air to ground missiles to kill your enemies below. You still can't move up and down that is why I label it a 2d isometric game. The game concepts was interesting, and in the mid 1990s you had a lot of revisions of old 2d isometric shooters transformed into these semi 3d games, like Raiden III, Abe, Flashback, and Metal Slug. The game utilized a 3d background, but the game play was still 2d. You can say, this period was a transitioning time from 2d gaming to 3d gaming. After all, most of the games that came out in 1995 and onward were mostly 3d games, like Virtua Cop, Virtua Fighter, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Soul Caliber, Metal Gear Solid, etc. The transition was from bitmap graphics to polygonal graphics. Some of the first 3d accelerators were released in the mid 1990s, like the S3 Virge, and the 3dfx Voodoo 1 GPU.

All in all, Twin Eagle II was a transitional game, and it was the ultimate expression of the 2d isometric game transposed onto a 3d background. Never the less, the great graphics made the game fun.
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♦ Xbox like gamepad USB (For Retro games with more than 2 buttons) @ Amazon
♦ Mayflash USB 8 button Joystick @ Amazon
♠ Playlist for Arcade Games from 1980 to 1989
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Twin Eagle II Arcade
Retro Arcade Game
Seta Games