YaMu YaMu

YaMu YaMu


YaMu YaMu is a content creator on YouTube with 147 subscribers, with his content totaling roughly 60.84 thousand views views across 376 videos.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCEzDitq_sjVap7roQcyvfg

Top 100 Most Controversial Videos by YaMu YaMu

Video TitleRatingCategoryGame
1.야무가 만든 간단한 카드 게임 (A simple card game created by Yamu)|가족 오락 (Family Game) 10
2.코코 OST - Remember Me (로버트 로페즈, 크리스틴 앤더슨 로페즈)|연주 (Play Piano) 39 #Shorts0
3.체스 오프닝과 오프닝 체크메이트 (Chess Opening & Opening Checkmate)|체스 (Chess) 80
4.피아노 즉흥연주 (2) Musical improvisation|즉흥곡 (improvisation) 5 #Shorts0
5.Press Start! : #8 Super Rabbit All-Stars!|Read Aloud0
6.큰 수 (Large Numbers)|수학 (Math)0
7.게임 (Game)|체스 (Chess) 70
8.2020-11-26 소나티네 Kuhlau sonatine Op.55 No.1 2nd Mov.|연주 (Play Piano) 12 #Shorts0
9.호레이스 실버 (Horace Silver)의 Song For My Father 초견 (First Reading Music)|재즈 (Jazz) 6 #Shorts0
10.칼림바 음계 (Kalimba scale) |칼림바 (Kalimba)0
11.반짝반짝 작은 별 (Twinkle twinkle little star) |칼림바 (Kalimba) 20
12.ORT Stage 9 : The Finest in the Land|Read Aloud0
13.전술과 체크메이트 및 모의 게임 (Tactics, Checkmate, and Simulation Game)|체스 (Chess) 20
14.만6세 소나티네 쿨라우 Kuhlau Op. 20 No. 1 2nd Mov. 초견 (First Reading Music)|연주 (Play Piano) 18 #Shorts0
15.쌍둥이 배 (Twin boats)|종이접기 (Paper Folding)0
16.컵 (Cup)|종이접기 (Paper Folding) 60
17.할로윈데이 장식 색칠하기 (Coloring Halloween decorations)|색칠 놀이 (Coloring)0
18.방정식 풀이|수학 (Math) 10
19.장기 소개 Introduce 'Janggi' (Korean chess)0
20.설 맞이 윷놀이 소개 Introduce "Yut-nori (playing yut)" for the Lunar New Year.0
21.팽이 (Spinning Top)|종이접기 (Paper Folding)0
22.개러지밴드로 베토벤의 론도 만들기 (Make Veethoven's Rondo in GarageBand)|미디(MIDI)0
23.독도는 우리땅 (Dokdo is our land) |칼림바 (Kalimba) 4 #Shorts0
24.수학문제 풀기 (Solving math problems)|수학 (Math)0
25.자작곡 '러시아의 풍경' /개러지밴드로 노래 만들기 Own Song 'Scenery of Russia' Make Music in GarageBand|미디(MIDI)6 #Shorts0
26.생쥐 얼굴 (Mouse Face)|실뜨기 (Cat's cradle) 120
27.버블보블 게임 주제곡 (BUBBLE BOBBLE theme song)|연주 (Play Piano) 5 #Shorts0
28.쇼팽의 세 곡 소개 (Introduce Chopin's three songs)0
29.벌새 (Hummingbird)|종이접기 (Paper Folding)0
30.드뷔시, 달빛 (Debussy, Clair de lune) 일부|연주 (Play Piano)0
31.윈튼 켈리 (Wynton Kelly)의 Autumn Leaves 초견 (First Reading Music)|재즈 (Jazz) 4 #Shorts0
32.피아노 즉흥연주 (Musical improvisation)|즉흥곡 (improvisation)0
33.한글날 맞이 ٩( ᐛ )و 한글 자음을 배워요 (Learn the Korean Alphabet consonants)0
34.Scholastic News Nonfiction Readers : Let's Talk Soccer|Read Aloud0
35.모차르트 소나타 일부 Mozart Piano Sonata in C major No16 K545 1st Mov. 2020-07-11|연주(Play Piano) 1 #Shorts0
36.Press Start! : #1 Game Over, Super Rabbit Boy!|Read Aloud0
37.'오늘부터 티볼' & 티볼 소개 (Introduction to T-Ball)|책 추천 (Book Recommendation) 10
38.피아노 즉흥연주 (Musical improvisation)|즉흥곡 (improvisation)0
39.ORT Stage 5 : The Magic Key|Read Aloud 40
40.애벌레 (Caterpillar)|종이접기 (Paper Folding)0
41.그라나다의 향기 (Scenes of Granada)|연주 (Play Piano)0
42.2020-09-05 모차르트 '안단테 C장조 K.1a'|연주 (Play Piano) 17 #Shorts0
43.다빈치 코드 (Da Vinci Code)|보드게임 (Board Game)0The Da Vinci Code
44.연단수(Continuous only one liberty), 행마(Flow of the stones)|바둑 (Baduk / Go) 50
45.ORT Stage 3 : Road Burner|Read Aloud 80
46.ORT Stage 4 : Tug of War|Read Aloud 60
47.Scholastic News Nonfiction Readers : Let's Talk Riding|Read Aloud0
48.팽이버섯과 양송이버섯 (Mushrooms)|클레이 (Clay)0
49.ORT Stage 2 : The Big Egg|Read Aloud 19 #Shorts0
50.모차르트 소나타 K.330 1악장 Mozart Piano Sonate No.10 in C major, Kochel No. 330 1st mov.|연주(Play Piano)0
51.슈베르트 자장가 즉흥 변주 (Improvise variations on the Schubert's Wiegenlied)|변주 (variations)0
52.저스트댄스 Paca Dance (Just Dance 2021, Paca Dance) #Shorts0Just Dance 2021
53.야무가 만든 퀴즈 (A quiz created by Yamu)|수학 (Math) 80
54.ORT Stage 10 Time Chronicles : The Strange Box|Read Aloud0
55.Cat Vibing to Levan Polkka w/ 풍금 (pump organ)|연주 (Play Piano) 37 #Shorts0
56.올림픽 보고 즉흥 연주~모든 선수를 위한 시상식 (Award Ceremony For All Athletes)|즉흥곡 (improvisation) 8 #Shorts0
57.영화 알라딘 OST 'A Whole New World' 초견 (First Reading Music)|연주 (Play Piano) 110
58.고추와 당근 (Chili pepper & Carrot)|클레이 (Clay)0
59.크리스마스 캐롤 - 노엘 (The First Noel)|연주 (Play Piano)0
60.왕관 (Crown)|실뜨기 (Cat's cradle) 150Cradle
61.ORT Stage 4 : Long Legs|Read Aloud0
62.피아노 즉흥연주 (Musical improvisation)|즉흥곡 (improvisation)0
63.레고로 마인크래프트 토끼목장 만들기 Making a LEGO MINECRAFT The Rabbit Ranch (21181) |만들기 (Make something)0Minecraft
64.소나티네 클레멘티 Clementi Op. 36, No. 4 2nd Mov.|연주 (Play Piano) 240
65.기물 소개 및 모의 게임 (Introduction to chess pieces & simulation game)|체스 (Chess) 10
66.베토벤, 엘리제를 위하여 편곡 버전 Beethoven, Für Elise arangement ver.|연주 (Play Piano)0
67.체스 대국 유형 (Type of chess match)|체스 (Chess)0
68.ORT Stage 5 : Vanishing Cream|Read Aloud0
69.구구단 게임 (Multiplication Games)|수학 (Math) 20
70.리스트, 사랑의 꿈 (Liszt, Liebestraume)|연주 (Play Piano)0
71.김밥 싸기 (Making Gimbap)|요리 놀이 (Cooking) 30
72.기보 분석 (analyzed chess record)|체스 (Chess)0
73.듀오링고로 중국어 공부 (Studying Chinese w/Duolingo)|외국어 공부 (Studying foreign languages) 10
74.기본 규칙 (Rules)|야구 (Baseball) 10
75.종이컵 놀이 (Introduce Disposable Cup games)0
76.Shining the Morning (장세용 Jang Sei-Yong) 마지막 부분|뉴에이지 음악 (New Age music) 5 #Shorts0
77.알파벳 'N~S'를 만들며 발음을 배워요 (Learn the English Alphabet from N to S with Play-Doh ~phonics)|클레이 (Clay) 40
78.악어 (alligator)|실뜨기 (Cat's cradle) 10
79.베토벤 발트슈타인 일부 Beethoven Piano Sonata No21 in C Major Op53 Waldstein 2021-05-19|연주Play Piano 4 #Shorts0
80.올림픽 본 후 쳐 본 '승리의 행진' 'The March of Victory' ~After watching the Olympics|즉흥곡 (improvisation) 70
81.스티커로 명화 컬러링 (Coloring famous paintings with stickers)|색칠 놀이 (Coloring)0
82.ORT Stage 6 : The Stolen Crown part 2|Read Aloud0Stolen Crown
83.개러지밴드로 관짝밈(Coffin Dance) 만들기(1) How to make Coffin Dance meme in GarageBand ~chapter 1|미디 (MIDI) 30
84.피아노 즉흥연주 (Musical improvisation)|즉흥곡 (improvisation)0
85.피아노 즉흥연주 (Musical improvisation)|즉흥곡 (improvisation)0
86.레고로 카레 푸드트럭 만들기 (Making a curry food truck with LEGO)|만들기 (Make something)0
87.만 6살 피아노 독학 워털루 전쟁 (The Battle Of Waterloo) 앞부분|연주 (Play Piano) 15 #Shorts0
88.아쿠아비즈로 크리스마스 장식 만들기 (How to make a Christmas ornament with Aquabeads)|만들기 (Make something)0
89.I Can Read Pete the Cat : Pete's Big Lunch / Play Ball!|Read Aloud 30
90.아홉 개의 다이아몬드 (Nine Diamonds)|실뜨기 (Cat's cradle)0
91.G Major|즉흥곡 (improvisation) 130
92.ORT Stage 5 : Gran|Read Aloud 90
93.만6세 소나티네 클레멘티 Clementi Op. 36 No. 5 3rd Mov. 앞부분|연주 (Play Piano) 20 #Shorts0
94.황혼 (Oshio Kotaro - Twilight)|연주 (Play Piano) 38 #Shorts0
95.닌텐도 스위치 마리오 골프 슈퍼 러시 배경음악 Nintendo Switch Mario Golf Super Rush background music|연주 (Play Piano)0Mario Golf: Super Rush
96.만6세 소나티네 쿨라우 Kuhlau Op. 20 No. 2 3rd Mov. 초견 (First Reading Music)|연주 (Play Piano) 19 #Shorts0
97.스티커로 명화 컬러링 (Coloring famous paintings with stickers)|색칠 놀이 (Coloring)0
98.2인 실뜨기 (Two-person cat's cradle)|실뜨기 (Cat's cradle)0Cat's Cradle
99.스틸하트 She's Gone (Steelheart - She's Gone)|연주 (Play Piano) 100
100.토이 스토리 OST - 랜디 뉴먼(Randy Newman), You've Got A Friend In Me|연주 (Play Piano) 33 #Shorts0