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OP.LOLReplays is an American YouTube channel which has approximately 3.19 thousand subscribers, publishing around 15.87 thousand videos which altogether total around 1.23 million views.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/@op.lolreplays

All Videos by OP.LOLReplays

PublishedVideo TitleDurationViewsCategoryGame
2020-12-31Renekton Top vs Aatrox - KR Grandmaster | Patch 10.2528:448League of Legends
2020-12-31Warwick Jungle vs Nidalee - KR Master | Patch 10.2530:285League of Legends
2020-12-31Nocturne Mid vs Dr. Mundo - KR Master | Patch 10.2524:323League of Legends
2020-12-31Diana Mid vs Katarina - KR Master | Patch 10.2527:4712League of Legends
2020-12-31Annie Mid vs Yone - KR Master | Patch 10.2535:3613League of Legends
2020-12-31Ahri Mid vs Galio - KR Master | Patch 10.2536:4116League of Legends
2020-12-31Teemo Top vs Irelia - KR Diamond | Patch 10.2530:0014League of Legends
2020-12-30Twisted Fate Mid vs Cassiopeia - KR Master | Patch 10.2519:219League of Legends
2020-12-30Tristana Mid vs Katarina - KR Master | Patch 10.2520:5010League of Legends
2020-12-30Lulu Top vs Lucian - KR Master | Patch 10.2521:4811League of Legends
2020-12-30Swain Mid vs Akali - KR Master | Patch 10.2524:195League of Legends
2020-12-30Zac Top vs Camille - KR Master | Patch 10.2518:4223League of Legends
2020-12-30Warwick Top vs Maokai - KR Master | Patch 10.2530:3543League of Legends
2020-12-30Graves Jungle vs Hecarim - KR Master | Patch 10.2524:106League of Legends
2020-12-30Neeko Mid vs Lucian - KR Master | Patch 10.2525:364League of Legends
2020-12-30Sett Top vs Kennen - KR Master | Patch 10.2525:585League of Legends
2020-12-30Caitlyn ADC vs Kai'Sa - KR Master | Patch 10.2521:5511League of Legends
2020-12-30Kindred Jungle vs Lee Sin - KR Master | Patch 10.2525:490League of Legends
2020-12-30Jarvan IV Jungle vs Sejuani - KR Diamond 2 | Patch 10.2527:239League of Legends
2020-12-30Mordekaiser Top vs Graves - KR Master | Patch 10.2525:547League of Legends
2020-12-30Maokai Support vs Taric - KR Master | Patch 10.2520:068League of Legends
2020-12-29Malphite Top vs Mordekaiser - KR Master | Patch 10.2527:2750Let's PlayLeague of Legends
2020-12-29Kayn Jungle vs Karthus - KR Master | Patch 10.2527:202League of Legends
2020-12-29Zilean Support vs Lux - KR Master | Patch 10.2524:0912League of Legends
2020-12-29Elise Jungle vs Nidalee - KR Master | Patch 10.2523:374League of Legends
2020-12-29Talon Mid vs Jayce - KR Master | Patch 10.2523:133League of Legends
2020-12-29Fizz Mid vs Sylas - KR Master | Patch 10.2528:194League of Legends
2020-12-29Yuumi Support vs Leona - KR Master | Patch 10.2520:205League of Legends
2020-12-29Riven Top vs Darius - KR Diamond | Patch 10.2534:5124League of Legends
2020-12-29Kled Top vs Volibear - KR Master | Patch 10.2520:495League of Legends
2020-12-29Ashe ADC vs Tristana - KR Master | Patch 10.2523:464League of Legends
2020-12-29Lucian ADC vs Samira - KR Master | Patch 10.2521:390League of Legends
2020-12-29Malzahar Top vs Jayce - KR Master | Patch 10.2527:115League of Legends
2020-12-29Lissandra Mid vs Yasuo - KR Master | Patch 10.2524:3227League of Legends
2020-12-28Tryndamere Top vs Kled - KR Master | Patch 10.2530:448League of Legends
2020-12-28Hecarim Top vs Aatrox - KR Master | Patch 10.2532:5450League of Legends
2020-12-28Qiyana Mid vs Renekton - KR Grandmaster | Patch 10.2534:132League of Legends
2020-12-28Master Yi Mid vs Xerath - KR Master | Patch 10.2531:2821League of Legends
2020-12-28Twisted Fate Mid vs Katarina - KR Master | Patch 10.2527:075League of Legends
2020-12-28Orianna Mid vs Tristana - KR Master | Patch 10.2524:471League of Legends
2020-12-28Rengar Top vs Sion - KR Master | Patch 10.2520:013League of Legends
2020-12-28Kayle Top vs Lucian - KR Diamond | Patch 10.2524:163League of Legends
2020-12-28Jax Top vs Camille - KR Master | Patch 10.2526:242League of Legends
2020-12-28Zed Mid vs Graves - KR Master | Patch 10.2523:249League of Legends
2020-12-28Kai'Sa ADC vs Jhin - KR Master | Patch 10.2522:524League of Legends
2020-12-28Nunu & Willump Jungle vs Taliyah - KR Master | Patch 10.2530:446League of Legends
2020-12-27Camille Top vs Aatrox - KR Master | Patch 10.2531:031League of Legends
2020-12-27Kassadin Top vs Irelia - KR Master | Patch 10.2529:0621League of Legends
2020-12-27Ekko Mid vs Yone - KR Master | Patch 10.2532:574League of Legends
2020-12-27Darius Top vs Malzahar - KR Master | Patch 10.2521:579League of Legends
2020-12-27Katarina Mid vs Vladimir - KR Master | Patch 10.2531:524League of Legends
2020-12-27Irelia Top vs Lucian - KR Master | Patch 10.2523:053League of Legends
2020-12-27Udyr Jungle vs Lillia - KR Master | Patch 10.2530:3537League of Legends
2020-12-27Aphelios ADC vs Jhin - KR Challenger | Patch 10.2534:2810League of Legends
2020-12-27Lillia Jungle vs Olaf - KR Master | Patch 10.2520:511League of Legends
2020-12-27Vayne ADC vs Graves - KR Master | Patch 10.2523:524League of Legends
2020-12-26Ornn Top vs Sylas - KR Master | Patch 10.2530:460League of Legends
2020-12-26Akali Top vs Gen.G Rascal Aatrox - KR Master | Patch 10.2521:4510League of Legends
2020-12-26Skarner Jungle vs Graves - KR Diamond | Patch 10.2532:1312League of Legends
2020-12-26Vladimir Mid vs Zoe - KR Grandmaster | Patch 10.2526:0539League of Legends
2020-12-26Qiyana Mid vs Yone - KR Master | Patch 10.2536:217League of Legends
2020-12-26Nasus Top vs Irelia - KR Diamond | Patch 10.2530:4619League of Legends
2020-12-26Gragas Jungle vs Hecarim - KR Master | Patch 10.2527:364League of Legends
2020-12-26Elise Jungle vs Kha'Zix - KR Master | Patch 10.2524:516League of Legends
2020-12-26Varus ADC vs Jhin - KR Master | Patch 10.2531:08409League of Legends
2020-12-26Ezreal ADC vs Jhin - KR Master | Patch 10.2534:063League of Legends
2020-12-26Rammus Jungle vs Graves - KR Diamond | Patch 10.2526:439League of Legends
2020-12-26Caitlyn ADC vs Kai'Sa - KR Grandmaster | Patch 10.2525:405League of Legends
2020-12-25Taric Top vs Aatrox - KR Grandmaster | Patch 10.2520:565,811League of Legends
2020-12-25Sion Top vs Camille - KR Master | Patch 10.2527:419League of Legends
2020-12-25Master Yi Jungle vs Ekko - KR Diamond | Patch 10.2522:4917League of Legends
2020-12-25Nunu & Willump Mid vs Syndra - KR Grandmaster | Patch 10.2521:3322League of Legends
2020-12-25Zoe Mid vs Nunu & Willump - KR Challenger | Patch 10.2529:106League of Legends
2020-12-25Kennen Top vs Jax - KR Challenger | Patch 10.2531:264League of Legends
2020-12-25Galio Mid vs Sylas - KR Master | Patch 10.2535:372League of Legends
2020-12-25Gragas Top vs Sylas - KR Grandmaster | Patch 10.2521:580League of Legends
2020-12-25Gangplank Top vs T1 Roach Camille - KR Grandmaster | Patch 10.2521:105League of Legends
2020-12-25Jayce Top vs Irelia - KR Master | Patch 10.2526:477League of Legends
2020-12-25Xin Zhao Jungle vs Graves - KR Master | Patch 10.2524:2098League of Legends
2020-12-24Sylas Mid vs Vladimir - KR Challenger | Patch 10.2521:067League of Legends
2020-12-24Xerath Mid vs Graves - KR Master | Patch 10.2533:194League of Legends
2020-12-24Nautilus Top vs Aatrox - KR Master | Patch 10.2519:45171League of Legends
2020-12-24Shaco Jungle vs Kha'Zix - KR Master | Patch 10.2523:0319League of Legends
2020-12-24Anivia Mid vs Syndra - KR Grandmaster | Patch 10.2530:257League of Legends
2020-12-24Warwick Jungle vs Aatrox - KR Master | Patch 10.2528:2324League of Legends
2020-12-24Kled Top vs Irelia - KR Master | Patch 10.2519:15101League of Legends
2020-12-24Aurelion Sol Mid vs Lucian - KR Master | Patch 10.2529:5113League of Legends
2020-12-24Diana Mid vs Sylas - KR Master | Patch 10.2520:0074League of Legends
2020-12-24Veigar Mid vs Graves - KR Master | Patch 10.2529:5142League of Legends
2020-12-24Nidalee Jungle vs Nunu & Willump - KR Grandmaster | Patch 10.2527:386League of Legends
2020-12-23Kindred Jungle vs Olaf - KR Master | Patch 10.2531:356League of Legends
2020-12-23Azir Top vs Wukong - KR Master | Patch 10.2522:4526League of Legends
2020-12-23Ahri Mid vs Pantheon - KR Master | Patch 10.2531:3110League of Legends
2020-12-23Heimerdinger Top vs Volibear - KR Master | Patch 10.2521:5346League of Legends
2020-12-23Karthus Jungle vs Lee Sin - KR Master | Patch 10.2529:561League of Legends
2020-12-23Sett Top vs Yasuo - KR Master | Patch 10.2533:2812League of Legends
2020-12-23Yone Mid vs Ryze - EUW Master | Patch 10.2530:014League of Legends
2020-12-23Viktor Mid vs Anivia - EUW Master | Patch 10.2532:340League of Legends
2020-12-23Hecarim Jungle vs Evelynn - EUW Master | Patch 10.2529:5918League of Legends
2020-12-23Renekton Top vs Akali - KR Master | Patch 10.2532:556League of Legends