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United States

OP.LOLReplays is an American YouTube channel which has approximately 3.19 thousand subscribers, publishing around 15.87 thousand videos which altogether total around 1.23 million views.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/@op.lolreplays

All Videos by OP.LOLReplays

PublishedVideo TitleDurationViewsCategoryGame
2022-04-22Sion Top vs Yorick - EUW Master | Patch 12.725:0630League of Legends
2022-04-22Quinn ADC vs Ezreal - EUW Master | Patch 12.724:4019League of Legends
2022-04-22Neeko Mid vs Katarina - EUW Master | Patch 12.722:2610League of Legends
2022-04-22Qiyana Jungle vs Zac - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.724:1810League of Legends
2022-04-21Garen Jungle vs Nidalee - EUW Master | Patch 12.726:4927League of Legends
2022-04-21Rengar Jungle vs Volibear - EUW Master | Patch 12.722:2311League of Legends
2022-04-21Camille Top vs Shyvana - EUW Master | Patch 12.719:1510League of Legends
2022-04-21Olaf Jungle vs Diana - EUW Master | Patch 12.723:3314League of Legends
2022-04-21Tristana Mid vs Zilean - EUW Challenger | Patch 12.721:2614League of Legends
2022-04-21Heimerdinger Top vs Riven - EUW Master | Patch 12.719:2765League of Legends
2022-04-21Pantheon Top vs Sion - EUW Master | Patch 12.722:3910League of Legends
2022-04-21Dr. Mundo Top vs Garen - EUW Master | Patch 12.727:1377League of Legends
2022-04-21Xayah ADC vs Miss Fortune - EUW Master | Patch 12.720:399League of Legends
2022-04-21Wukong Top vs Sion - EUW Master | Patch 12.724:249League of Legends
2022-04-21Ahri Mid vs Talon - EUW Master | Patch 12.727:029League of Legends
2022-04-21Sylas Top vs Nasus - EUW Master | Patch 12.719:396League of Legends
2022-04-21Tristana ADC vs Zeri - EUW Challenger | Patch 12.720:2617League of Legends
2022-04-21Pyke Mid vs Sylas - EUW Master | Patch 12.722:097League of Legends
2022-04-21Tryndamere Top vs Teemo - EUW Master | Patch 12.719:5316League of Legends
2022-04-21Malphite Top vs Nasus - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.726:2812Let's PlayLeague of Legends
2022-04-21Fiora Top vs Lucian - EUW Master | Patch 12.727:396League of Legends
2022-04-21Twitch ADC vs Ezreal - EUW Master | Patch 12.727:4712League of Legends
2022-04-21Aphelios ADC vs Sivir - EUW Challenger | Patch 12.721:324League of Legends
2022-04-21Darius Jungle vs Diana - EUW Master | Patch 12.719:1826League of Legends
2022-04-20Zac Mid vs Diana - EUW Master | Patch 12.726:2611League of Legends
2022-04-20Sivir ADC vs Ashe - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.722:5759League of Legends
2022-04-20Kha'Zix Mid vs Karma - EUW Master | Patch 12.728:0016League of Legends
2022-04-20Taliyah Jungle vs Karthus - EUW Master | Patch 12.720:1216League of Legends
2022-04-20Zyra Support vs Lucian - EUW Master | Patch 12.714:122League of Legends
2022-04-20Seraphine Mid vs Vex - EUW Master | Patch 12.721:1894League of Legends
2022-04-20Teemo Top vs Camille - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.721:238League of Legends
2022-04-20Corki Mid vs Pyke - EUW Master | Patch 12.728:0813League of Legends
2022-04-20Annie Mid vs Kassadin - EUW Master | Patch 12.729:155League of Legends
2022-04-20Malzahar Mid vs Vladimir - EUW Master | Patch 12.723:325League of Legends
2022-04-20Aurelion Sol Mid vs Jayce - EUW Master | Patch 12.721:504League of Legends
2022-04-20Maokai Top vs Sion - EUW Master | Patch 12.730:2790League of Legends
2022-04-20Yone Top vs Jax - EUW Challenger | Patch 12.729:154League of Legends
2022-04-20Gwen Jungle vs Sejuani - EUW Master | Patch 12.720:4814League of Legends
2022-04-20Vladimir Top vs Singed - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.726:4911League of Legends
2022-04-20Trundle Jungle vs Ekko - EUW Master | Patch 12.725:2116League of Legends
2022-04-20Varus ADC vs Aphelios - EUW Master | Patch 12.724:3822League of Legends
2022-04-20Ivern Jungle vs Nunu & Willump - EUW Master | Patch 12.722:4015League of Legends
2022-04-20Draven ADC vs Jinx - EUW Master | Patch 12.720:0014League of Legends
2022-04-20Fizz Mid vs Viktor - EUW Master | Patch 12.723:320League of Legends
2022-04-20Shaco Jungle vs Graves - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.725:327League of Legends
2022-04-19Pyke Mid vs Lissandra - EUW Master | Patch 12.725:4216League of Legends
2022-04-19Zed Jungle vs Nunu & Willump - EUW Master | Patch 12.729:303League of Legends
2022-04-19Skarner Jungle vs Volibear - EUW Master | Patch 12.725:3646League of Legends
2022-04-19Qiyana Jungle vs Kayn- EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.725:3128League of Legends
2022-04-19Volibear Top vs Aatrox - EUW Master | Patch 12.726:3011League of Legends
2022-04-19Quinn Top vs Akshan - EUW Master | Patch 12.723:453League of Legends
2022-04-19Karma Top vs Teemo - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.724:4845League of Legends
2022-04-19Senna Support vs Pantheon - EUW Master | Patch 12.717:4640League of Legends
2022-04-19Xin Zhao Jungle vs Kindred - EUW Master | Patch 12.728:0320League of Legends
2022-04-19Morgana Jungle vs Rek'Sai - EUW Master | Patch 12.724:2849League of Legends
2022-04-19Graves Top vs Wukong - EUW Master | Patch 12.727:24206League of Legends
2022-04-19Singed Top vs Irelia - EUW Master | Patch 12.725:119League of Legends
2022-04-19Jayce Top vs Akali - EUW Master | Patch 12.724:459League of Legends
2022-04-19Vi Jungle vs Kha'Zix - EUW Master | Patch 12.722:153League of Legends
2022-04-19Nautilus Support vs Blitzcrank - EUW Master | Patch 12.722:2820League of Legends
2022-04-19Kog'Maw ADC vs Miss Fortune - EUW Master | Patch 12.725:3643League of Legends
2022-04-19Rammus Jungle vs Viego - EUW Master | Patch 12.727:0910League of Legends
2022-04-19Ashe ADC vs Kai'Sa - EUW Master | Patch 12.724:4411League of Legends
2022-04-19Orianna Mid vs Anivia - EUW Master | Patch 12.725:1812League of Legends
2022-04-19Diana Mid vs Katarina - EUW Master | Patch 12.718:4326League of Legends
2022-04-19Evelynn Jungle vs Rengar - EUW Master | Patch 12.725:0013League of Legends
2022-04-19Cho'Gath Mid vs Talon - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.724:4714League of Legends
2022-04-19Lux Mid vs Irelia - EUW Master | Patch 12.724:0013League of Legends
2022-04-19Rumble Mid vs Kai'Sa - EUW Master | Patch 12.723:183League of Legends
2022-04-19Nocturne Jungle vs Lillia - EUW Master | Patch 12.726:3211League of Legends
2022-04-18Viktor Top vs Gangplank - KR Master | Patch 12.728:1414League of Legends
2022-04-18Shyvana Jungle vs Shaco - EUW Master | Patch 12.722:3124League of Legends
2022-04-18Poppy Jungle vs Lee Sin - EUW Master | Patch 12.718:326League of Legends
2022-04-18Maokai Top vs Malphite - KR Master | Patch 12.717:19296Let's PlayLeague of Legends
2022-04-18Sylas Mid vs Twisted Fate - EUW Master | Patch 12.721:449League of Legends
2022-04-18Warwick Jungle vs Karthus - KR Master | Patch 12.727:3040League of Legends
2022-04-18Malphite Top vs Graves - EUW Master | Patch 12.719:3013Let's PlayLeague of Legends
2022-04-18Hecarim Jungle vs Lee Sin - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.722:5165League of Legends
2022-04-18Karma Mid vs Syndra - EUW Master | Patch 12.723:2091League of Legends
2022-04-18Xin Zhao Top vs Akali - KR Master | Patch 12.718:2725League of Legends
2022-04-18LeBlanc Mid vs Akali - EUW Master | Patch 12.721:424League of Legends
2022-04-18Taric Top vs Irelia - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.713:591,247League of Legends
2022-04-18Azir Mid vs Diana - EUW Master | Patch 12.724:5519League of Legends
2022-04-18Kog'Maw ADC vs Cassiopeia - KR Master | Patch 12.726:086League of Legends
2022-04-18Akali Mid vs Sylas - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.719:278League of Legends
2022-04-18Vayne Top vs Gwen - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.726:44155League of Legends
2022-04-18Yasuo Top vs Akshan - KR Master | Patch 12.719:224League of Legends
2022-04-18Shaco Jungle vs Lee Sin - EUW Master | Patch 12.726:365League of Legends
2022-04-18Gragas Mid vs Galio - KR Master | Patch 12.722:2222League of Legends
2022-04-18Kayn Jungle vs Volibear - EUW Master | Patch 12.721:378League of Legends
2022-04-18Taliyah Jungle vs Lee Sin - KR Master | Patch 12.722:2423League of Legends
2022-04-18Kassadin Mid vs Ahri - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.720:3818League of Legends
2022-04-18Pantheon Mid vs Akali - EUW Master | Patch 12.726:2636League of Legends
2022-04-18Udyr Jungle vs Volibear - EUW Master | Patch 12.723:5428League of Legends
2022-04-18Jarvan IV Jungle vs Lee sin - EUW Master | Patch 12.725:1436League of Legends
2022-04-18Wukong Jungle vs Rumble - EUW Master | Patch 12.724:0511League of Legends
2022-04-18Shen Jungle vs Gwen - EUW Master | Patch 12.718:58374League of Legends
2022-04-18Veigar Mid vs Ahri - EUW Master | Patch 12.721:5515League of Legends
2022-04-18Ekko Jungle vs Diana - EUW Master | Patch 12.723:399League of Legends
2022-04-18Akshan Mid vs Ryze - EUW Master | Patch 12.717:453League of Legends