

United States
United States

OP.LOLReplays is an American YouTube channel which has approximately 3.19 thousand subscribers, publishing around 15.87 thousand videos which altogether total around 1.23 million views.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/@op.lolreplays

All Videos by OP.LOLReplays

PublishedVideo TitleDurationViewsCategoryGame
2023-02-03Karma Mid vs Xerath - EUW Master | Patch 13.120:0661League of Legends
2023-02-03Udyr Jungle vs Fiddlesticks - EUW Master | Patch 13.123:3874League of Legends
2023-02-03Xin Zhao Jungle vs Rengar - EUW Master | Patch 13.127:15149League of Legends
2023-02-03Karthus Jungle vs Nunu & Willump - EUW Master | Patch 13.117:2822League of Legends
2023-02-03Bel'Veth Jungle vs Diana - EUW Master | Patch 13.123:3038League of Legends
2023-02-03Lillia Jungle vs Nunu & Willump - EUW Master | Patch 13.115:1147League of Legends
2023-02-03Viego Jungle vs Hecarim - EUW Challenger | Patch 13.125:0752League of Legends
2023-02-03Zed Jungle vs Fiddlesticks - EUW Master | Patch 13.121:1531League of Legends
2023-02-03Talon Jungle vs Hecarim - EUW Master | Patch 13.126:30121League of Legends
2023-02-03Nidalee Jungle vs Graves - KR Master | Patch 13.114:3420League of Legends
2023-02-03Ryze Mid vs Yone - KR Master | Patch 13.118:5335League of Legends
2023-02-03Jinx ADC vs Kai'Sa - KR Grandmaster | Patch 13.114:4489League of Legends
2023-02-03Fiddlesticks Jungle vs Rumble - KR Master | Patch 13.128:1761League of Legends
2023-02-03Ekko Jungle vs Lee Sin - KR Master | Patch 13.125:1430League of Legends
2023-02-02Kassadin Mid vs Azir - KR Diamond 1 | Patch 13.126:0716League of Legends
2023-02-02Anivia Mid vs Xerath - KR Master | Patch 13.126:1948League of Legends
2023-02-02Sejuani Jungle vs Sylas - KR Grandmaster | Patch 13.123:1353League of Legends
2023-02-02Xin Zhao Jungle vs Zac - KR Grandmaster | Patch 13.119:0164League of Legends
2023-02-02Udyr Jungle vs Vi - KR Master | Patch 13.128:34479League of Legends
2023-02-02Udyr Jungle vs Sylas - KR Diamond 1 | Patch 13.122:39141League of Legends
2023-02-02Kai'Sa ADC vs Ezreal - KR Master | Patch 13.125:5538League of Legends
2023-02-02Pantheon Mid vs Kassadin - EUW Master | Patch 13.122:1750League of Legends
2023-02-02Evelynn Jungle vs Poppy - EUW Master | Patch 13.121:5460League of Legends
2023-02-02K'Sante Top vs Jax - EUW Master | Patch 13.125:3244League of Legends
2023-02-02Master Yi Jungle vs Maokai - EUW Master | Patch 13.124:3148League of Legends
2023-02-02Jhin ADC vs Ezreal - EUW Master | Patch 13.124:5619League of Legends
2023-02-02Maokai Jungle vs Hecarim - EUW Challenger | Patch 13.122:5658League of Legends
2023-02-02Hecarim Jungle vs Viego - EUW Challenger | Patch 13.129:19132League of Legends
2023-02-02Udyr Jungle vs Viego - EUW Challenger | Patch 13.124:51181League of Legends
2023-02-02Shaco Jungle vs Trundle - EUW Master | Patch 13.124:0777League of Legends
2023-02-02Twitch Mid vs Orianna - EUW Master | Patch 13.124:4229League of Legends
2023-02-02Twitch ADC vs Caitlyn - EUW Master | Patch 13.126:39204League of Legends
2023-02-02Twitch ADC vs Caitlyn - EUW Master | Patch 13.123:5857League of Legends
2023-02-02Graves Jungle vs Sylas - KR Grandmaster | Patch 13.119:0667League of Legends
2023-02-02Yasuo Top vs Fiora - KR Grandmaster | Patch 13.120:0643League of Legends
2023-02-02Kindred Jungle vs Karthus - KR Grandmaster | Patch 13.123:1781League of Legends
2023-02-02Sylas Jungle vs Fiddlesticks - KR Master | Patch 13.121:2621League of Legends
2023-02-02Rumble Mid vs Talon - KR Master | Patch 13.122:3967League of Legends
2023-02-01Bel'Veth Top vs Kayle - KR Master | Patch 13.126:25165League of Legends
2023-02-01Bel'Veth Jungle vs Sylas - KR Master | Patch 13.126:21296League of Legends
2023-02-01K'Sante Mid vs Jayce - KR Master | Patch 13.118:1649League of Legends
2023-02-01Galio Mid vs Rumble - KR Master | Patch 13.121:3562League of Legends
2023-02-01Taliyah Jungle vs Sejuani - KR Grandmaster | Patch 13.119:5547League of Legends
2023-02-01Pantheon Mid vs Irelia - KR Master | Patch 13.124:33173League of Legends
2023-02-01Shyvana Top vs Irelia - KR Master | Patch 13.122:37395League of Legends
2023-02-01Viego Jungle vs Elise - EUW Challenger | Patch 13.126:4143League of Legends
2023-02-01Sylas Jungle vs Mordekaiser - EUW Challenger | Patch 13.122:2632League of Legends
2023-02-01Lillia Jungle vs Zac - EUW Master | Patch 13.126:1045League of Legends
2023-02-01Lillia Jungle vs Wukong - EUW Master | Patch 13.125:14146League of Legends
2023-02-01Lee Sin Jungle vs Diana - EUW Challenger | Patch 13.122:5547League of Legends
2023-02-01Diana Jungle vs Twitch - EUW Master | Patch 13.125:2727League of Legends
2023-02-01Vi Jungle vs Maokai - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 13.128:0792League of Legends
2023-02-01Graves Jungle vs Sylas - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 13.120:19154League of Legends
2023-02-01Jarvan IV Jungle vs Evelynn - EUW Master | Patch 13.119:5046League of Legends
2023-02-01Sylas Jungle vs Ekko - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 13.121:5321League of Legends
2023-02-01Udyr Jungle vs Lee Sin - EUW Master | Patch 13.128:15296League of Legends
2023-02-01Bel'Veth Jungle vs Kha'Zix - EUW Challenger | Patch 13.127:0849League of Legends
2023-02-01Ezreal ADC vs Jhin - KR Master | Patch 13.124:4651League of Legends
2023-02-01Samira ADC vs Aphelios - KR Grandmaster | Patch 13.119:4819League of Legends
2023-02-01Ezreal Support vs Ashe - KR Grandmaster | Patch 13.122:5843League of Legends
2023-02-01Seraphine Bot vs Samira - KR Master | Patch 13.123:12473League of Legends
2023-02-01Yone Mid vs Akali - KR Diamond 1 | Patch 13.118:5629League of Legends
2023-01-31Zeri ADC vs Aphelios - KR Grandmaster | Patch 13.122:1818League of Legends
2023-01-31Karthus Mid vs Renekton - KR Master | Patch 13.118:5865League of Legends
2023-01-31Fiddlesticks Jungle vs Elise - KR Master | Patch 13.120:0770League of Legends
2023-01-31Elise Jungle vs Rengar - KR Master | Patch 13.126:2268League of Legends
2023-01-31Xin Zhao Jungle vs Maokai - KR Grandmaster | Patch 13.121:3861League of Legends
2023-01-31Ryze Mid vs Irelia - KR Diamond 1 | Patch 13.124:2114League of Legends
2023-01-31Udyr Jungle vs Elise - KR Grandmaster | Patch 13.123:19149League of Legends
2023-01-31Shaco Jungle vs Viego - EUW Master | Patch 13.122:20187League of Legends
2023-01-31Hecarim Jungle vs Kayn - EUW Challenger | Patch 13.120:15189League of Legends
2023-01-31Maokai Jungle vs Xin Zhao - EUW Challenger | Patch 13.117:1141League of Legends
2023-01-31Maokai Jungle vs Kayn - EUW Challenger | Patch 13.125:0297League of Legends
2023-01-31Graves Jungle vs Olaf - EUW Challenger | Patch 13.122:1547League of Legends
2023-01-31Evelynn Jungle vs Graves - EUW Master | Patch 13.125:3338League of Legends
2023-01-31Graves Jungle vs Kindred - EUW Challenger | Patch 13.121:4579League of Legends
2023-01-31Poppy Jungle vs Diana - EUW Master | Patch 13.126:1755League of Legends
2023-01-31Kayn Jungle vs Lillia - EUW Challenger | Patch 13.127:3744League of Legends
2023-01-31Volibear Top vs Sett - EUW Master | Patch 13.120:3839League of Legends
2023-01-31Udyr Jungle vs Rengar - EUW Master | Patch 13.118:4456League of Legends
2023-01-31Ekko Jungle vs Nunu & Willump - EUW Master | Patch 13.125:5246League of Legends
2023-01-31Vayne ADC vs Samira - KR Grandmaster | Patch 13.130:1652League of Legends
2023-01-31Ezreal ADC vs Jinx - KR Master | Patch 13.127:0966League of Legends
2023-01-31Caitlyn ADC vs Aphelios - KR Challenger | Patch 13.118:5726League of Legends
2023-01-31Graves Jungle vs Kindred - KR Grandmaster | Patch 13.122:46127League of Legends
2023-01-31Camille Jungle vs Lee Sin - KR Master | Patch 13.122:02210League of Legends
2023-01-30Sylas Jungle vs Elise - KR Challenger | Patch 13.120:4723League of Legends
2023-01-30Akshan Mid vs Vex - KR Master | Patch 13.124:4872League of Legends
2023-01-30Vi Jungle vs Rammus - KR Master | Patch 13.122:2867League of Legends
2023-01-30Zac Mid vs Karma - KR Master | Patch 13.126:1223League of Legends
2023-01-30Jarvan IV Jungle vs Graves - KR Grandmaster | Patch 13.127:13156League of Legends
2023-01-30Maokai Jungle vs Gragas - KR Master | Patch 13.121:34132League of Legends
2023-01-30Udyr Jungle vs Graves - KR Grandmaster | Patch 13.123:58603League of Legends
2023-01-30Viego Jungle vs Vi - EUW Master | Patch 13.125:0166League of Legends
2023-01-30Evelynn Jungle vs Zac - EUW Master | Patch 13.119:5157League of Legends
2023-01-30Shyvana Jungle vs Wukong - EUW Master | Patch 13.124:47113League of Legends
2023-01-30K'Sante Top vs Graves - EUW Master | Patch 13.119:2175League of Legends
2023-01-30Kha'Zix Jungle vs Talon - EUW Master | Patch 13.121:3882League of Legends
2023-01-30Graves Jungle vs Warwick - EUW Master | Patch 13.121:30130League of Legends
2023-01-30Mordekaiser Jungle vs Wukong - EUW Master | Patch 13.127:34130League of Legends