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OP.LOLReplays is an American YouTube channel which has approximately 3.19 thousand subscribers, publishing around 15.87 thousand videos which altogether total around 1.23 million views.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/@op.lolreplays

All Videos by OP.LOLReplays

PublishedVideo TitleDurationViewsCategoryGame
2021-09-25Diana Jungle vs Elise - KR Master | Patch 11.1921:0141League of Legends
2021-09-25Dr. Mundo Top vs Riven - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1923:34104League of Legends
2021-09-25Vex Mid vs Ryze - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1919:08165League of Legends
2021-09-23Nocturne Top vs Irelia - KR Master | Patch 11.1924:5449League of Legends
2021-09-23Renekton Top vs Tahm Kench - KR Master | Patch 11.1922:15161League of Legends
2021-09-23Fizz Mid vs Twisted Fate - KR Master | Patch 11.1918:5920League of Legends
2021-09-23Rammus Jungle vs Lee Sin - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1926:3675League of Legends
2021-09-23Lillia Jungle vs Sejuani - KR Master | Patch 11.1927:0614League of Legends
2021-09-23Vi Top vs Gnar - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1920:00626League of Legends
2021-09-22Cassiopeia Bot vs Aphelios - KR Challenger | Patch 11.1921:5329League of Legends
2021-09-22Gangplank Top vs Sion - KR Master | Patch 11.1924:5350League of Legends
2021-09-22Fiora Top vs Tryndamere - KR Master | Patch 11.1931:4578League of Legends
2021-09-22Hecarim Jungle vs Lee Sin - KR Challenger | Patch 11.1919:00190League of Legends
2021-09-22Ahri Mid vs Yasuo - KR Master | Patch 11.1920:43169League of Legends
2021-09-22Volibear Jungle vs Camille - KR Master | Patch 11.1927:29121League of Legends
2021-09-22Vayne Top vs Sylas - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1921:1268League of Legends
2021-09-22Master Yi Jungle vs Talon - KR Master | Patch 11.1920:2879League of Legends
2021-09-22Zed Mid vs Aurelion Sol - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1919:2917League of Legends
2021-09-21Aphelios ADC vs Varus - KR Challenger | Patch 11.1824:119League of Legends
2021-09-21Draven Top vs Quinn - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1827:0976League of Legends
2021-09-21Lissandra Mid vs Katarina - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1824:4611League of Legends
2021-09-21Xin Zhao Jungle vs Talon - KR Master | Patch 11.1824:5121League of Legends
2021-09-21Vladimir Mid vs Ekko - KR Master | Patch 11.1823:3811League of Legends
2021-09-21Graves Jungle vs Taliyah - KR Master | Patch 11.1823:5119League of Legends
2021-09-21Taric Top vs Rengar - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1821:39125League of Legends
2021-09-20Tristana Mid vs Graves - KR Challenger | Patch 11.1824:2114League of Legends
2021-09-20Kha'Zix Jungle vs Karthus - KR Master | Patch 11.1822:043League of Legends
2021-09-20Kayle Mid vs Azir - KR Master | Patch 11.1824:3818League of Legends
2021-09-20LeBlanc Mid vs Katarina - KR Master | Patch 11.1823:577League of Legends
2021-09-20Lucian ADC vs Kalista - KR Master | Patch 11.1826:024League of Legends
2021-09-20Volibear Top vs Aatrox - KR Master | Patch 11.1821:1827League of Legends
2021-09-16Jhin ADC vs Samira - KR Master | Patch 11.1822:5658League of Legends
2021-09-16Warwick Jungle vs Viego - KR Master | Patch 11.1826:09136League of Legends
2021-09-16Twisted Fate Mid vs Akshan - KR Master | Patch 11.1824:1511League of Legends
2021-09-16Varus ADC vs Ziggs - KR Master | Patch 11.1822:2331League of Legends
2021-09-15Twitch ADC vs Jinx - KR Master | Patch 11.1822:236League of Legends
2021-09-15Shen Top vs Camille - KR Master | Patch 11.1827:2250League of Legends
2021-09-15Akshan Jungle vs Zed - KR Master | Patch 11.1822:2493League of Legends
2021-09-15Vi Jungle vs Kindred - KR Master | Patch 11.1823:3673League of Legends
2021-09-15Nunu & Willump Jungle vs Gragas - KR Master | Patch 11.1826:5116League of Legends
2021-09-15Mordekaiser Top vs Kennen - KR Master | Patch 11.1828:0849League of Legends
2021-09-15Taliyah Jungle vs Kindred - KR Master | Patch 11.1824:579League of Legends
2021-09-15Sett Top vs Irelia - KR Master | Patch 11.1829:089League of Legends
2021-09-13Lillia Jungle vs Taliyah - KR Master | Patch 11.1826:4728League of Legends
2021-09-13Riven Jungle vs Ekko - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1825:55159League of Legends
2021-09-13Kled Mid vs Riven - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1817:4429League of Legends
2021-09-13Gangplank Top vs Aatrox - KR Master | Patch 11.1824:23150League of Legends
2021-09-13Nasus Top vs Kayle - KR Master | Patch 11.1821:3414League of Legends
2021-09-13Vayne Top vs Wukong - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1823:3997League of Legends
2021-09-13Malzahar Mid vs Talon - KR Master | Patch 11.1820:3015League of Legends
2021-09-13Tahm Kench Top vs Cho'Gath - KR Master | Patch 11.1825:15104League of Legends
2021-09-13Cho'Gath Mid vs Zed - KR Master | Patch 11.1832:2344League of Legends
2021-09-12Senna Support vs Lulu - KR Master | Patch 11.1820:3153League of Legends
2021-09-12Dr. Mundo Top vs Aatrox - KR Master | Patch 11.1821:4084League of Legends
2021-09-12Veigar Mid vs Yasuo - KR Master | Patch 11.1827:52106League of Legends
2021-09-12Shyvana Jungle vs Ekko - KR Master | Patch 11.1826:3976League of Legends
2021-09-12Azir Mid vs Ryze - KR Master | Patch 11.1818:3345League of Legends
2021-09-12Akshan Top vs Irelia - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1825:0512League of Legends
2021-09-12Jarvan IV Jungle vs Lee Sin - KR Master | Patch 11.1823:4022League of Legends
2021-09-11Shaco Jungle vs Kindred - KR Master | Patch 11.1824:34223League of Legends
2021-09-11Aatrox Top vs Jax - KR Master | Patch 11.1819:2218League of Legends
2021-09-11Jax Top vs Rengar - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1827:3110League of Legends
2021-09-11Viego Jungle vs Nidalee - KR Challenger | Patch 11.1821:53121League of Legends
2021-09-11Sejuani Top Vs Kennen - KR Master | Patch 11.1827:1279League of Legends
2021-09-11Wukong Jungle vs Dr. Mundo - KR Master | Patch 11.1825:4993League of Legends
2021-09-09Kog'Maw ADC vs Jinx - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1824:56221League of Legends
2021-09-09Fizz Mid vs Yasuo - KR Master | Patch 11.1826:381,199League of Legends
2021-09-09Graves Top vs Ryze - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1830:3460League of Legends
2021-09-09Talon Jungle vs Lee Sin - KR Challenger | Patch 11.1820:4169League of Legends
2021-09-09Galio Mid vs Ryze - KR Master | Patch 11.1820:5345League of Legends
2021-09-09Tryndamere Mid vs Galio - KR Master | Patch 11.1816:0957League of Legends
2021-09-09Zed Jungle vs Lee Sin - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1826:131,130League of Legends
2021-09-08Rammus Jungle vs Viego - KR Master | Patch 11.1724:4718League of Legends
2021-09-08Kayn Jungle vs Elise - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1724:0813League of Legends
2021-09-08Ryze Top vs Jayce - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1724:0813League of Legends
2021-09-08Master Yi Jungle vs Ivern - KR Master | Patch 11.1722:049League of Legends
2021-09-08Kassadin Mid vs Yone - KR Master | Patch 11.1731:42190League of Legends
2021-09-08Ahri Mid vs Garen - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1721:1620League of Legends
2021-09-08Evelynn Jungle vs Lee Sin - KR Master | Patch 11.1726:0045League of Legends
2021-09-08Camille Top vs Karma - KR Master | Patch 11.1722:376League of Legends
2021-09-06Fiora Top vs Tryndamere - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1724:4232League of Legends
2021-09-06Singed Mid vs Yone - KR Master | Patch 11.1728:1017League of Legends
2021-09-06Ashe ADC vs Taliyah - KR Master | Patch 11.1726:032League of Legends
2021-09-06Trundle Jungle vs Jarvan IV - KR Master | Patch 11.1724:2719League of Legends
2021-09-06Diana Mid vs Zoe - KR Master | Patch 11.1727:1727League of Legends
2021-09-06Kalista ADC vs Ezreal - KR Master | Patch 11.1725:298League of Legends
2021-09-06Maokai Top vs Volibear - KR Challenger | Patch 11.1721:58168League of Legends
2021-09-06Talon Mid vs Zoe - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1717:4211League of Legends
2021-09-06Leona Top vs Ornn - KR Master | Patch 11.1727:13477League of Legends
2021-09-04Irelia Mid vs Sylas - KR Master | Patch 11.1724:1218League of Legends
2021-09-04Jarvan IV Top vs Rengar - KR Master | Patch 11.1724:4729League of Legends
2021-09-04Fiddlesticks Jungle vs Rumble - KR Master | Patch 11.1722:5318League of Legends
2021-09-04Xin Zhao Top vs Sylas - KR Master | Patch 11.1721:1718League of Legends
2021-09-04Ekko Jungle vs Graves - KR Master | Patch 11.1725:167League of Legends
2021-09-04Shyvana Top vs Heimerdinger - KR Master | Patch 11.1723:1887League of Legends
2021-07-29Taric Top vs Irelia - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1519:28693League of Legends
2021-07-29Quinn Top vs Irelia - KR Grandmaster | Patch 11.1527:2312League of Legends
2021-07-29Tryndamere Top vs Jayce - KR Master | Patch 11.1521:269League of Legends
2021-07-29Graves Jungle vs Karthus - KR Master | Patch 11.1519:26131League of Legends
2021-07-28Ziggs Bot vs Ezreal - KR Master | Patch 11.1527:2716League of Legends