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OP.LOLReplays is an American YouTube channel which has approximately 3.19 thousand subscribers, publishing around 15.87 thousand videos which altogether total around 1.23 million views.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/@op.lolreplays

All Videos by OP.LOLReplays

PublishedVideo TitleDurationViewsCategoryGame
2022-11-16Varus ADC vs Samira - KR Master | Patch 12.2219:30107League of Legends
2022-11-16Zeri ADC vs Sivir - KR Challenger | Patch 12.2223:08478League of Legends
2022-11-16K'Sante Top vs Fiora - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.2226:09105League of Legends
2022-11-16Graves Jungle vs Nunu & Willump - KR Master | Patch 12.2126:0549League of Legends
2022-11-16Zac Mid vs Sylas - KR Master | Patch 12.2122:3525League of Legends
2022-11-16Volibear Jungle vs Hecarim - EUW Master | Patch 12.2131:1540League of Legends
2022-11-16Draven ADC vs Jhin - KR Master | Patch 12.2127:0215League of Legends
2022-11-16Pyke Mid vs Twisted Fate - EUW Master | Patch 12.2122:0218League of Legends
2022-11-15K'Sante Top vs Ornn - KR Challenger | Patch 12.2124:0126League of Legends
2022-11-15Kai'Sa ADC vs Kalista - EUW Challenger | Patch 12.2121:2824League of Legends
2022-11-15Olaf Top vs Sylas - EUW Master | Patch 12.2123:1213League of Legends
2022-11-15Maokai Jungle vs Lillia - KR Master | Patch 12.2121:5829League of Legends
2022-11-15Rumble Top vs Cassiopeia - KR Master | Patch 12.2124:2750League of Legends
2022-11-15Bel'Veth Jungle vs Graves - EUW Master | Patch 12.2120:0939League of Legends
2022-11-15Graves Jungle vs Viego - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.2122:1240League of Legends
2022-11-15Nunu & Willump Jungle vs Vi - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.2126:4530League of Legends
2022-11-15Master Yi Jungle vs Evelynn - EUW Master | Patch 12.2125:2538League of Legends
2022-11-15Lillia Top vs Aatrox - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.2122:05333League of Legends
2022-11-15Ezreal ADC vs Aphelios - KR Master | Patch 12.2124:4721League of Legends
2022-11-15Zeri ADC vs Caitlyn - EUW Master | Patch 12.2120:01140League of Legends
2022-11-14Aphelios ADC vs Kai'Sa - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.2123:3320League of Legends
2022-11-14Vex Mid vs Viktor - KR Master | Patch 12.2122:3721League of Legends
2022-11-14Kog'Maw ADC vs Kalista - EUW Master | Patch 12.2126:5360League of Legends
2022-11-14Jinx ADC vs Kalista - KR Master | Patch 12.2120:1818League of Legends
2022-11-14Draven ADC vs Ezreal - KR Master | Patch 12.2113:3549League of Legends
2022-11-14Varus ADC vs Ashe - KR Master | Patch 12.2127:2643League of Legends
2022-11-14Ornn Top vs Rumble - KR Master | Patch 12.2121:595League of Legends
2022-11-14Udyr Jungle vs Vex - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.2123:5045League of Legends
2022-11-14Udyr Jungle vs Sejuani - KR Master | Patch 12.2125:2742League of Legends
2022-11-14Vayne Top vs Sett - KR Master | Patch 12.2122:4489League of Legends
2022-11-14K'Sante Top vs Gangplank - EUW Master | Patch 12.2126:0018League of Legends
2022-11-14Tryndamere Mid vs Katarina - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.2122:3819League of Legends
2022-11-13Zeri ADC vs Ashe - EUW Master | Patch 12.2128:1064League of Legends
2022-11-13Maokai Jungle vs Master Yi - KR Master | Patch 12.2120:4946League of Legends
2022-11-13Nilah ADC vs Seraphine - EUW Master | Patch 12.2122:3946League of Legends
2022-11-13Dr. Mundo Jungle vs Kayn - EUW Master | Patch 12.2118:1026League of Legends
2022-11-13Sejuani Jungle vs Nidalee - KR Challenger | Patch 12.2125:4840League of Legends
2022-11-13Lillia Jungle vs Kayn - EUW Master | Patch 12.2119:3444League of Legends
2022-11-13Kha'Zix Jungle vs Nidalee - KR Master | Patch 12.2128:1430League of Legends
2022-11-13Akshan Mid vs Veigar - EUW Master | Patch 12.2122:04204League of Legends
2022-11-13Zac Jungle vs Ekko - KR Master | Patch 12.2128:11103League of Legends
2022-11-13K'Sante Top vs Gangplank - KR Challenger | Patch 12.2124:3028League of Legends
2022-11-13Varus ADC vs Jinx - KR Master | Patch 12.2123:0119League of Legends
2022-11-13Lulu Top vs Rumble - KR Master | Patch 12.2120:3927League of Legends
2022-11-12Lee Sin Jungle vs Nidalee - KR Master | Patch 12.2117:2328League of Legends
2022-11-12Nunu & Willump Jungle vs Hecarim - KR Master | Patch 12.2126:2241League of Legends
2022-11-12Ahri Mid vs Zed - KR Master | Patch 12.2123:3923League of Legends
2022-11-12Tristana ADC vs Zoe - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.2126:4819League of Legends
2022-11-12K'Sante Top vs Aatrox - EUW Master | Patch 12.2128:0443League of Legends
2022-11-12Kog'Maw ADC vs Kai'Sa - KR Master | Patch 12.2119:1632League of Legends
2022-11-12Graves Jungle vs Kindred - KR Master | Patch 12.2121:4534League of Legends
2022-11-12Kai'Sa ADC vs Varus - KR Master | Patch 12.2122:5110League of Legends
2022-11-12Nocturne Jungle vs Zac - EUW Master | Patch 12.2126:5046League of Legends
2022-11-12Senna Support vs Karma - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.2121:0956League of Legends
2022-11-12Taric Jungle vs Nidalee - KR Challenger | Patch 12.2128:1319League of Legends
2022-11-12Gangplank Top vs Camille - KR Master | Patch 12.2121:3126League of Legends
2022-11-12Yasuo Top vs Camille - EUW Master | Patch 12.2123:0012League of Legends
2022-11-12Jayce Top vs Aatrox - KR Master | Patch 12.2122:1819League of Legends
2022-11-12Zed Jungle vs Graves - EUW Master | Patch 12.2126:2420League of Legends
2022-11-12K'Sante Top vs Gnar - KR Master | Patch 12.2124:0515League of Legends
2022-11-12Corki Mid vs Viktor - KR Master | Patch 12.2121:2935League of Legends
2022-11-12Taliyah Jungle vs Lillia - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.2126:4217League of Legends
2022-11-12Garen Top vs Shen - EUW Master | Patch 12.2127:5516League of Legends
2022-11-12Udyr Jungle vs Qiyana - KR Master | Patch 12.2127:4539League of Legends
2022-11-11Rammus Jungle vs Hecarim - KR Master | Patch 12.2127:3744League of Legends
2022-11-11Nilah ADC vs Kai'Sa - EUW Master | Patch 12.2120:24160League of Legends
2022-11-11Ashe ADC vs Jinx - KR Master | Patch 12.2125:1326League of Legends
2022-11-11Olaf Top vs Irelia - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.2120:0212League of Legends
2022-11-11Bel'Veth Support vs Heimerdinger - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.2124:3542League of Legends
2022-11-11Viego Jungle vs Kindred - KR Challenger | Patch 12.2126:1728League of Legends
2022-11-11Twitch Jungle vs Lee Sin - EUW Master | Patch 12.2131:4554League of Legends
2022-11-11Graves Jungle vs Hecarim - KR Master | Patch 12.2127:3719League of Legends
2022-11-11Jhin ADC vs Varus - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.2119:047League of Legends
2022-11-11Corki Mid vs Akali - KR Master | Patch 12.2122:2478League of Legends
2022-11-11Lucian ADC vs Varus - KR Challenger | Patch 12.2126:1920League of Legends
2022-11-11Swain Mid vs Syndra - KR Master | Patch 12.2121:3315League of Legends
2022-11-11Diana Jungle vs Lee Sin - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.2122:2033League of Legends
2022-11-11Zeri ADC vs Kalista - KR Master | Patch 12.2121:41348League of Legends
2022-11-11Bel'Veth Jungle vs Olaf - EUW Master | Patch 12.2122:0427League of Legends
2022-11-11Hecarim Jungle vs Taliyah - KR Master | Patch 12.2123:4828League of Legends
2022-11-11Azir Mid vs Akali - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.2124:3222League of Legends
2022-11-11Kayn Jungle vs Volibear - EUW Master | Patch 12.2122:5739League of Legends
2022-11-11Fiddlesticks Top vs K'Sante - KR Master | Patch 12.2122:4921League of Legends
2022-11-11Ekko Jungle vs Graves - KR Master | Patch 12.2120:4119League of Legends
2022-11-11Udyr Jungle vs Karthus - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.2116:5855League of Legends
2022-11-11Xin Zhao Jungle vs Hecarim - KR Master | Patch 12.2122:2718League of Legends
2022-11-11Qiyana Jungle vs Graves - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.2121:1230League of Legends
2022-11-11Kog'Maw ADC vs Twitch - EUW Master | Patch 12.2133:2530League of Legends
2022-11-10Rengar Jungle vs Ekko - KR Master | Patch 12.2118:3428League of Legends
2022-11-10Varus ADC vs Kai'Sa - KR Challenger | Patch 12.2119:3648League of Legends
2022-11-10Sivir ADC vs Caitlyn - EUW Master | Patch 12.2124:2631League of Legends
2022-11-10Fiddlesticks Top vs Fiora - KR Master | Patch 12.2118:41332League of Legends
2022-11-10Twitch Jungle vs Lee Sin - EUW Master | Patch 12.2121:2635League of Legends
2022-11-10Trundle Jungle vs Nidalee - EUW Master | Patch 12.2117:4538League of Legends
2022-11-10Nasus Jungle vs Karthus - EUW Master | Patch 12.2124:1055League of Legends
2022-11-10Kog'Maw ADC vs Aphelios - KR Master | Patch 12.2122:4226League of Legends
2022-11-10Rammus Jungle vs Viego - KR Challenger | Patch 12.2130:1850League of Legends
2022-11-10Udyr Jungle vs Graves - KR Master | Patch 12.2122:1669League of Legends
2022-11-10Twitch ADC vs Caitlyn - EUW Master | Patch 12.2125:0021League of Legends
2022-11-10Hecarim Jungle vs Nidalee - KR Master | Patch 12.2128:2543League of Legends