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United States

OP.LOLReplays is an American YouTube channel which has approximately 3.19 thousand subscribers, publishing around 15.87 thousand videos which altogether total around 1.23 million views.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/@op.lolreplays

All Videos by OP.LOLReplays

PublishedVideo TitleDurationViewsCategoryGame
2022-06-08Yone Mid vs Sylas - KR Challenger | Patch 12.1126:02114League of Legends
2022-06-08Rek'Sai Jungle vs Xin Zhao - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.1118:5272League of Legends
2022-06-08Leblanc Mid vs Zoe - KR Challenger | Patch 12.1126:5420League of Legends
2022-06-08Akali Top vs Poppy - KR Challenger | Patch 12.1121:3863League of Legends
2022-06-08Senna ADC vs Aphelios - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.1124:39778League of Legends
2022-06-08Kalista ADC vs Lucian - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.1126:06180League of Legends
2022-06-08Sivir ADC vs Ezreal - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.1126:29253League of Legends
2022-06-08Jhin ADC vs Caitlyn - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.1128:16246League of Legends
2022-06-08Udyr Jungle vs Talon - KR Master | Patch 12.1127:57198League of Legends
2022-06-08Swain Mid vs Galio - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.1122:30157League of Legends
2022-06-08Lee Sin Jungle vs Gragas - KR Challenger | Patch 12.1122:4590League of Legends
2022-06-08Lillia Jungle vs Diana - KR Challenger | Patch 12.1125:2949League of Legends
2022-06-08Aatrox Top vs Galio - KR Challenger | Patch 12.1118:4872League of Legends
2022-06-08Gwen Jungle vs Shaco - KR Master | Patch 12.1128:35140League of Legends
2022-06-07Varus ADC vs Draven - KR Challenger | Patch 12.1027:54115League of Legends
2022-06-07Jarvan IV Jungle vs Viego - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.1024:0857League of Legends
2022-06-07Kayn Jungle vs Viego - KR Master | Patch 12.1021:0733League of Legends
2022-06-07Kayn Jungle vs Ekko - KR Master | Patch 12.1021:5334League of Legends
2022-06-07Sejuani Top vs Challenger - KR Master | Patch 12.1021:1461League of Legends
2022-06-07Taliyah Jungle vs Trundle - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.1022:2534League of Legends
2022-06-07Kalista ADC vs Lucian - KR Master | Patch 12.1024:2316League of Legends
2022-06-07Varus ADC vs Lee Sin - KR Challenger | Patch 12.1027:1466League of Legends
2022-06-07Sivir ADC vs Draven - KR Master | Patch 12.1029:2068League of Legends
2022-06-07Senna Support vs Nautilus - KR Master | Patch 12.1018:4040League of Legends
2022-06-07Draven ADC vs Aphelios - KR Challenger | Patch 12.1016:3737League of Legends
2022-06-07Ashe Support vs Senna - KR Master | Patch 12.1021:3242League of Legends
2022-06-07Twitch ADC vs Kog'Maw - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.1018:1038League of Legends
2022-06-07Zyra Support vs Zilean - KR Master | Patch 12.1018:5746League of Legends
2022-06-07Evelynn Jungle vs Nidalee - KR Master | Patch 12.1026:0161League of Legends
2022-06-06Kha'Zix Jungle vs Karthus - EUW Master | Patch 12.1026:2024League of Legends
2022-06-06Neeko Mid vs Cassiopeia - KR Master | Patch 12.1021:1719League of Legends
2022-06-06Graves Top vs Akshan - EUW Master | Patch 12.1023:4244League of Legends
2022-06-06Shyvana Jungle vs Rek'Sai - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.1027:58117League of Legends
2022-06-06Lillia Jungle vs Viego - KR Master | Patch 12.1021:0620League of Legends
2022-06-06Skarner Top vs Riven - EUW Master | Patch 12.1026:3396League of Legends
2022-06-06Renekton Mid vs Talon - KR Master | Patch 12.1026:3712League of Legends
2022-06-06Seraphine Bot vs Jhin - EUW Master | Patch 12.1023:5659League of Legends
2022-06-06Taliyah Mid vs Vladimir - KR Master | Patch 12.1028:4025League of Legends
2022-06-06Miss Fortune ADC vs Ezreal - EUW Master | Patch 12.1022:2262League of Legends
2022-06-06Dr. Mundo Top vs Cassiopeia - EUW Master | Patch 12.1025:4334League of Legends
2022-06-06Ahri Mid vs Irelia - KR Master | Patch 12.1021:5537League of Legends
2022-06-06Kog'Maw ADC vs Ezreal - KR Master | Patch 12.1033:3777League of Legends
2022-06-06Vi Jungle vs Kha'Zix - EUW Master | Patch 12.1027:5787League of Legends
2022-06-06Mordekaiser Jungle vs Wukong - KR Master | Patch 12.1018:2336League of Legends
2022-06-06Swain Support vs Yuumi - EUW Master | Patch 12.1024:0210League of Legends
2022-06-06Wukong Jungle vs Kindred - KR Master | Patch 12.1027:4310League of Legends
2022-06-06Qiyana Jungle vs Talon - KR Challenger | Patch 12.1021:2266League of Legends
2022-06-06Lissandra Mid vs Katarina - KR Master | Patch 12.1027:1232League of Legends
2022-06-06Anivia Mid vs Lissandra - KR Master | Patch 12.1027:2181League of Legends
2022-06-06Udyr Jungle vs Viego - KR Master | Patch 12.1018:5622League of Legends
2022-06-06Trundle Jungle vs Graves - KR Challenger | Patch 12.1023:1079League of Legends
2022-06-06Poppy Top vs Fiora - KR Master | Patch 12.1020:2322League of Legends
2022-06-06Jinx ADC vs Ezreal - KR Master | Patch 12.1020:4214League of Legends
2022-06-06Gangplank Top vs Ornn - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.1025:4114League of Legends
2022-06-06Garen Top vs Poppy - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.1018:028League of Legends
2022-06-05Varus ADC vs Vayne - EUW Master | Patch 12.1020:1544League of Legends
2022-06-05Quinn Top vs Akali - KR Master | Patch 12.1024:2424League of Legends
2022-06-05Vayne Top vs Olaf - EUW Master | Patch 12.1027:1914League of Legends
2022-06-05Aatrox Top vs Sejuani - KR Master | Patch 12.1023:3861League of Legends
2022-06-05Fizz Mid vs Twitch - EUW Master | Patch 12.1024:0016League of Legends
2022-06-05Irelia Top vs Quinn - KR Master | Patch 12.1022:207League of Legends
2022-06-05Twisted Fate Mid vs Ahri - EUW Challenger | Patch 12.1025:1339League of Legends
2022-06-05Taliyah Jungle vs Wukong - KR Master | Patch 12.1026:4741League of Legends
2022-06-05Orianna Mid vs Xerath - EUW Master | Patch 12.1022:508League of Legends
2022-06-05Lillia Top vs Gragas - KR Master | Patch 12.1032:2819League of Legends
2022-06-05Twitch Jungle vs Taliyah - EUW Master | Patch 12.1022:5576League of Legends
2022-06-05Graves Jungle vs Lillia - EUW Master | Patch 12.1022:3537League of Legends
2022-06-05Shyvana Top vs Sion - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.1023:2528League of Legends
2022-06-05Yone Mid vs Vayne - EUW Master | Patch 12.1028:0611League of Legends
2022-06-05Warwick Jungle vs Viego - KR Master | Patch 12.1028:27142League of Legends
2022-06-05Riven Top vs Olaf - EUW Master | Patch 12.1023:048League of Legends
2022-06-05Gwen Top vs Sett - KR Master | Patch 12.1018:4634League of Legends
2022-06-05Senna Support vs Nautilus - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.1024:0052League of Legends
2022-06-05Fiddlesticks Jungle vs Shaco - EUW Master | Patch 12.1025:5946League of Legends
2022-06-05Samira ADC vs Kai'Sa - KR Master | Patch 12.1026:137League of Legends
2022-06-05Talon Jungle vs Lillia - EUW Challenger | Patch 12.1026:3560League of Legends
2022-06-05Zac Top vs Gwen - KR Master | Patch 12.1021:5690League of Legends
2022-06-05Taliyah Jungle vs Karthus - KR Master | Patch 12.1020:2020League of Legends
2022-06-05Viego Jungle vs Graves - KR Master | Patch 12.1027:3922League of Legends
2022-06-05Leblanc Mid vs Lulu - KR Challenger | Patch 12.1029:327League of Legends
2022-06-05Olaf Top vs Irelia - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.1031:0016League of Legends
2022-06-05Kassadin Mid vs Zed - KR Master | Patch 12.1025:1852League of Legends
2022-06-05Zoe Mid vs Syndra - KR Master | Patch 12.1022:4012League of Legends
2022-06-05Fiora Top vs Gwen - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.1024:489League of Legends
2022-06-05Rengar Jungle vs Taliyah - KR Challenger | Patch 12.1029:1452League of Legends
2022-06-05Nocturne Jungle vs Viego - KR Master | Patch 12.1027:2253League of Legends
2022-06-04Talon Jungle vs Viego - EUW Challenger | Patch 12.1020:0337League of Legends
2022-06-04Taliyah Jungle vs Kha'Zix - EUW Master | Patch 12.1025:3387League of Legends
2022-06-04Aphelios ADC vs Kai'Sa - KR Master | Patch 12.1023:0336League of Legends
2022-06-04Varus ADC vs Vayne - EUW Master | Patch 12.1020:45102League of Legends
2022-06-04Senna Support vs Pyke - KR Master | Patch 12.1025:2378League of Legends
2022-06-04Twisted Fate Mid vs Sylas - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.1028:2610League of Legends
2022-06-04Ornn Mid vs Yasuo - KR Master | Patch 12.1023:408League of Legends
2022-06-04Corki Mid vs Azir - EUW Master | Patch 12.1024:4546League of Legends
2022-06-04Darius Top vs Gwen - KR Master | Patch 12.1023:5716League of Legends
2022-06-04Zed Jungle vs Talon - EUW Master | Patch 12.1024:3823League of Legends
2022-06-04Olaf Top vs Vayne - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.1024:127League of Legends
2022-06-04Zeri ADC vs Jhin - EUW Master | Patch 12.1028:2620League of Legends
2022-06-04Sivir ADC vs Kai'Sa - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.1020:50177League of Legends
2022-06-04Lillia Top vs Darius - EUW Master | Patch 12.1031:283,936League of Legends