

United States
United States

OP.LOLReplays is an American YouTube channel which has approximately 3.19 thousand subscribers, publishing around 15.87 thousand videos which altogether total around 1.23 million views.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/@op.lolreplays

All Videos by OP.LOLReplays

PublishedVideo TitleDurationViewsCategoryGame
2022-05-01Ezreal ADC vs Xerath - NA Master | Patch 12.824:3413League of Legends
2022-05-01Varus ADC vs Kalista - NA Master | Patch 12.823:2311League of Legends
2022-05-01Graves Top vs Jax - NA Master | Patch 12.821:2644League of Legends
2022-05-01Quinn Top vs Yasuo - NA Master | Patch 12.821:4410League of Legends
2022-05-01Rengar Top vs Gangplank - NA Master | Patch 12.827:517League of Legends
2022-05-01Neeko ADC vs Lucian - NA Master | Patch 12.818:5814League of Legends
2022-05-01Cho'Gath Top vs Swain - NA Master | Patch 12.827:1548League of Legends
2022-05-01Pantheon Mid vs Kennen - NA Master | Patch 12.826:198League of Legends
2022-05-01Gangplank Mid vs Poppy - NA Master | Patch 12.829:055League of Legends
2022-05-01Katarina Mid vs Anivia - EUW Master | Patch 12.821:2313League of Legends
2022-05-01Nidalee Jungle vs Kayn - EUW Master | Patch 12.822:3712League of Legends
2022-04-30Warwick Top vs Cho'Gath - NA Master | Patch 12.827:0385League of Legends
2022-04-30Teemo Top vs Singed - NA Master | Patch 12.828:3818League of Legends
2022-04-30Pantheon Top vs Shen - NA Master | Patch 12.822:2611League of Legends
2022-04-30Sion Top vs Kennen - NA Master | Patch 12.825:439League of Legends
2022-04-30Rumble Mid vs Vladimir - NA Master | Patch 12.826:4131League of Legends
2022-04-30Gnar Top vs Warwick - NA Master | Patch 12.823:0423League of Legends
2022-04-30Ornn Top vs Galio - NA Master | Patch 12.827:575League of Legends
2022-04-30Nunu & Willump Jungle vs Lee Sin - NA Master | Patch 12.819:4226League of Legends
2022-04-30Diana Mid vs Lux - NA Master | Patch 12.824:1211League of Legends
2022-04-30Kog'Maw ADC vs Samira - NA Challenger | Patch 12.828:2642League of Legends
2022-04-29Sivir ADC vs Ezreal - EUW Challenger | Patch 12.820:56142League of Legends
2022-04-29Vi Jungle vs Kayn - NA Master | Patch 12.826:098League of Legends
2022-04-29Swain Mid vs Veigar - EUW Master | Patch 12.825:2612League of Legends
2022-04-29Vayne ADC vs Zeri - NA Master | Patch 12.820:0823League of Legends
2022-04-29Akali Top vs Yasuo - EUW Master | Patch 12.830:314League of Legends
2022-04-29Seraphine Bot vs Tristana - NA Challenger | Patch 12.827:0649League of Legends
2022-04-29Riven Jungle vs Wukong - EUW Master | Patch 12.823:2725League of Legends
2022-04-29Jhin ADC vs Lucian - NA Master | Patch 12.820:4016League of Legends
2022-04-29Sylas Mid vs Neeko - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.828:2316League of Legends
2022-04-29Kalista ADC vs Miss Fortune - NA Master | Patch 12.823:1928League of Legends
2022-04-29Morgana Jungle vs Trundle - NA Grandmaster | Patch 12.823:08114League of Legends
2022-04-29Ahri Mid vs Akali - EUW Master | Patch 12.828:384League of Legends
2022-04-29Cho'Gath Top vs Sett - NA Master | Patch 12.826:1432League of Legends
2022-04-29Lissandra Mid vs Ahri - EUW Master | Patch 12.826:4929League of Legends
2022-04-29Graves Jungle vs Jarvan IV - NA Master | Patch 12.827:0229League of Legends
2022-04-29Twisted Fate Mid vs Vex - EUW Master | Patch 12.828:5687League of Legends
2022-04-29Jarvan IV Jungle vs Talon - NA Master | Patch 12.825:5144League of Legends
2022-04-29Velkoz Support vs Nautilus - NA Master | Patch 12.822:069League of Legends
2022-04-29Senna Support vs Nautilus - NA Master | Patch 12.823:1624League of Legends
2022-04-29Brand Mid vs Zed - NA Master | Patch 12.826:1110League of Legends
2022-04-29Shyvana Jungle vs Lillia - NA Master | Patch 12.821:1511League of Legends
2022-04-29Udyr Jungle vs Talon - NA Master | Patch 12.825:0961League of Legends
2022-04-28Wukong Top vs Jax - EUW Master | Patch 12.823:3765League of Legends
2022-04-28Kassadin Mid vs Quinn - EUW Master | Patch 12.827:4419League of Legends
2022-04-28Swain Support vs Karma - EUW Master | Patch 12.825:43189League of Legends
2022-04-28Taliyah Jungle vs Volibear - EUW Master | Patch 12.817:2041League of Legends
2022-04-28Shen Top vs Kayle - NA Master | Patch 12.822:144League of Legends
2022-04-28Master Yi Jungle vs Lillia - NA Grandmaster | Patch 12.820:5735League of Legends
2022-04-28Poppy Jungle vs Kindred - NA Master | Patch 12.822:3540League of Legends
2022-04-28Mordekaiser Top vs Jax - NA Master | Patch 12.823:0235League of Legends
2022-04-28Nautilus Mid vs Pantheon - NA Master | Patch 12.834:4521League of Legends
2022-04-28Miss Fortune ADC vs Xayah - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.824:3142League of Legends
2022-04-28Senna Support vs Nautilus - NA Master | Patch 12.826:55224League of Legends
2022-04-28Wukong Jungle vs Kha'Zix - EUW Master | Patch 12.830:5511League of Legends
2022-04-28Viego Jungle vs Fiddlesticks - NA Grandmaster | Patch 12.829:129League of Legends
2022-04-28Jarvan IV Top vs Volibear - EUW Master | Patch 12.828:01110League of Legends
2022-04-28Lillia Jungle vs Shyvana - NA Grandmaster | Patch 12.826:1912League of Legends
2022-04-28Varus ADC vs Ezreal - EUW Master | Patch 12.827:59218League of Legends
2022-04-28Amumu Jungle vs Evelynn - EUW Master | Patch 12.825:0239League of Legends
2022-04-28Rengar Jungle vs Ekko - NA Master | Patch 12.823:01124League of Legends
2022-04-28Fiddlesticks Jungle vs Vi - EUW Master | Patch 12.822:5041League of Legends
2022-04-28Akshan Mid vs Ahri - EUW Master | Patch 12.825:5219League of Legends
2022-04-28Olaf Jungle vs Qiyana - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.830:2015League of Legends
2022-04-27Zac Jungle vs Shaco - EUW Master | Patch 12.827:007League of Legends
2022-04-27Kayn Jungle vs Diana - EUW Master | Patch 12.825:5347League of Legends
2022-04-27Swain Mid vs Velkoz - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.824:2279League of Legends
2022-04-27Lee Sin Jungle vs Ekko - EUW Master | Patch 12.825:5612League of Legends
2022-04-27Trundle Jungle vs Kha'Zix - EUW Master | Patch 12.825:40138League of Legends
2022-04-27Riven Top vs Irelia - EUW Master | Patch 12.824:3923League of Legends
2022-04-27Singed Mid vs Viktor - EUW Master | Patch 12.822:327League of Legends
2022-04-27Ashe Support vs Nautilus - EUW Master | Patch 12.827:2477League of Legends
2022-04-26Brand Mid vs Katarina - NA Master | Patch 12.727:19116League of Legends
2022-04-26Jarvan IV Top vs Rengar - NA Master | Patch 12.724:1729League of Legends
2022-04-26Ashe ADC vs Jinx - NA Master | Patch 12.723:5530League of Legends
2022-04-26Sivir ADC vs Miss Fortune - NA Master | Patch 12.724:58148League of Legends
2022-04-26Ahri Mid vs Leblanc - NA Master | Patch 12.728:043League of Legends
2022-04-26Viego Mid vs Ahri - EUW Master | Patch 12.724:19193League of Legends
2022-04-26Ornn Top vs Akali - NA Master | Patch 12.724:381League of Legends
2022-04-26Shaco Jungle vs Nidalee - EUW Master | Patch 12.731:3019League of Legends
2022-04-26Kai'Sa ADC vs Zeri - NA Grandmaster | Patch 12.728:072League of Legends
2022-04-26Singed Top vs Vayne - NA Master | Patch 12.727:042League of Legends
2022-04-26Riven Top vs Camille - NA Master | Patch 12.727:503League of Legends
2022-04-26Fiora Top vs Malphite - EUW Master | Patch 12.725:2813Let's PlayLeague of Legends
2022-04-26Fiddlesticks Jungle vs Lucian - KR Master | Patch 12.723:0614League of Legends
2022-04-26Rammus Jungle vs Taliyah - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.722:3110League of Legends
2022-04-26Quinn Top vs Irelia - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.721:0127League of Legends
2022-04-26Xin Zhao Top vs Gangplank - KR Master | Patch 12.725:3479League of Legends
2022-04-26Yone Mid vs Zoe - KR Challenger | Patch 12.722:456League of Legends
2022-04-26Jax Top vs Irelia - KR Master | Patch 12.724:165League of Legends
2022-04-26Annie Mid vs Akali - KR Master | Patch 12.723:5964League of Legends
2022-04-26Ivern Jungle vs Lee Sin - KR Master | Patch 12.721:588League of Legends
2022-04-26Jayce Top vs Malphite - KR Master | Patch 12.726:1410Let's PlayLeague of Legends
2022-04-26Kalista ADC vs Aphelios - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.724:457League of Legends
2022-04-25Talon Jungle vs Zed - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.720:4211League of Legends
2022-04-25Kayn Jungle vs Graves - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.725:495League of Legends
2022-04-25Viego Jungle vs Lee Sin - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.726:5617League of Legends
2022-04-25Twisted Fate MID vs Ryze - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.721:176League of Legends
2022-04-25Trundle Top vs Darius - KR Master | Patch 12.721:2627League of Legends
2022-04-25Zac Top vs Garen - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.721:05191League of Legends