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United States

OP.LOLReplays is an American YouTube channel which has approximately 3.19 thousand subscribers, publishing around 15.87 thousand videos which altogether total around 1.23 million views.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/@op.lolreplays

All Videos by OP.LOLReplays

PublishedVideo TitleDurationViewsCategoryGame
2022-04-18Malzahar Mid vs Kassadin - EUW Master | Patch 12.716:5511League of Legends
2022-04-18Lillia Jungle vs Lee Sin - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.725:468League of Legends
2022-04-18Elise Jungle vs Jarvan IV - EUW Master | Patch 12.717:241League of Legends
2022-04-18Graves Jungle vs Lee Sin - EUW Master | Patch 12.721:089League of Legends
2022-04-18Varus ADC vs Vayne - EUW Master | Patch 12.723:2948League of Legends
2022-04-18Trundle Jungle vs Karthus - EUW Master | Patch 12.727:1911League of Legends
2022-04-18Miss Fortune ADC vs Jinx - EUW Master | Patch 12.719:0719League of Legends
2022-04-18Xin Zhao Top vs Poppy - KR Master | Patch 12.719:0111League of Legends
2022-04-18Master Yi Jungle vs Volibear - EUW Master | Patch 12.724:2812League of Legends
2022-04-18Swain Top vs Sett - KR Master | Patch 12.727:3618League of Legends
2022-04-18Gwen Jungle vs Trundle - EUW Master | Patch 12.725:3431League of Legends
2022-04-18Olaf Top vs Vayne - KR Master | Patch 12.721:1052League of Legends
2022-04-18Amumu Jungle vs Rek'Sai - EUW Master | Patch 12.730:4739League of Legends
2022-04-18Senna Support vs Twisted Fate - KR Master | Patch 12.728:4011League of Legends
2022-04-17Brand Jungle vs Kayn - EUW Master | Patch 12.721:1220League of Legends
2022-04-17Katarina Mid vs Zoe - KR Challenger | Patch 12.723:163League of Legends
2022-04-17Neeko Top vs Dr. Mundo - EUW Master | Patch 12.723:5120League of Legends
2022-04-17Nidalee Jungle vs Taliyah - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.724:006League of Legends
2022-04-17Viego Mid vs Syndra - EUW Challenger | Patch 12.724:2454League of Legends
2022-04-17Jayce Top vs Kennen - KR Master | Patch 12.726:144League of Legends
2022-04-17Wukong Jungle vs Gwen - EUW Master | Patch 12.728:2321League of Legends
2022-04-17Wukong Jungle vs Graves - KR Master | Patch 12.724:3518League of Legends
2022-04-17Viego Jungle vs Diana - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.719:2420League of Legends
2022-04-17Lillia Jungle vs Rek'Sai - KR Master | Patch 12.725:107League of Legends
2022-04-17Rengar Jungle vs Lee Sin - EUW Master | Patch 12.721:088League of Legends
2022-04-17Talon Jungle vs Diana - KR Challenger | Patch 12.721:5716League of Legends
2022-04-16Zac Top vs Pantheon - KR Master | Patch 12.721:54137League of Legends
2022-04-16Seraphine Mid vs Velkoz - EUW Master | Patch 12.721:2829League of Legends
2022-04-16Graves Jungle vs Viego - KR Master | Patch 12.728:278League of Legends
2022-04-16Gwen Top vs Ornn - EUW Master | Patch 12.724:119League of Legends
2022-04-16Nunu & Willump Jungle vs Graves - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.720:3153League of Legends
2022-04-16Senna Support vs Jax - KR Challenger | Patch 12.723:0041League of Legends
2022-04-16Irelia Top vs Dr. Mundo - EUW Master | Patch 12.718:528League of Legends
2022-04-16Gangplank Top vs Cassiopeia - EUW Master | Patch 12.722:187League of Legends
2022-04-16Yasuo Bot vs Aphelios - EUW Master | Patch 12.721:1232League of Legends
2022-04-16Twisted Fate Mid vs Yasuo - KR Challenger | Patch 12.725:5990League of Legends
2022-04-16Kled Top vs Akali - KR Master | Patch 12.728:055League of Legends
2022-04-16Sett Top vs Garen - KR Master | Patch 12.728:0116League of Legends
2022-04-16Lissandra Mid vs Yone - KR Master | Patch 12.725:1262League of Legends
2022-04-16Maokai Support vs Rakan - EUW Challenger | Patch 12.725:1734League of Legends
2022-04-16Kindred Jungle vs Graves - EUW Master | Patch 12.726:009League of Legends
2022-04-16Senna ADC vs Samira - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.720:42281League of Legends
2022-04-16Aphelios ADC vs Ezreal - KR Master | Patch 12.724:2816League of Legends
2022-04-16Viego Jungle vs Graves - EUW Master | Patch 12.724:547League of Legends
2022-04-16Galio Mid vs Sion - KR Master | Patch 12.725:2813League of Legends
2022-04-16Volibear Jungle vs Hecarim - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 12.723:2817League of Legends
2022-04-16Ezreal ADC vs Miss Fortune - KR Challenger | Patch 12.719:0217League of Legends
2022-04-16Sivir ADC vs Vayne - KR Master | Patch 12.727:42219League of Legends
2022-04-16Dr. Mundo Top vs Ornn - EUW Master | Patch 12.719:3634League of Legends
2022-04-16Sejuani Jungle vs Diana - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.724:5237League of Legends
2022-04-16Neeko Mid vs Zoe - KR Master | Patch 12.723:336League of Legends
2022-04-16Tryndamere Top vs Garen - KR Master | Patch 12.728:058League of Legends
2022-04-16Xayah ADC vs Miss Fortune - KR Master | Patch 12.723:2810League of Legends
2022-04-16Vayne ADC vs Miss Fortune - NA Master | Patch 12.725:0621League of Legends
2022-04-16Vladimir Mid vs Singed - NA Master | Patch 12.728:079League of Legends
2022-04-16Kayn Jungle vs Talon - KR Challenger | Patch 12.728:1814League of Legends
2022-04-16Yone Mid vs Annie - KR Master | Patch 12.730:229League of Legends
2022-04-16Karthus Jungle vs Ekko - KR Challenger | Patch 12.722:4633League of Legends
2022-04-16Tahm Kench Top vs Rammus - KR Master | Patch 12.728:0212League of Legends
2022-04-16Ornn Top vs Sion - NA Master | Patch 12.725:178League of Legends
2022-04-15Xin Zhao Top vs Aatrox - KR Master | Patch 12.729:16785League of Legends
2022-04-15Shen Top vs Kennen - NA Master | Patch 12.724:526League of Legends
2022-04-15Riven Top vs Camille - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.727:0013League of Legends
2022-04-15Rek'Sai Jungle vs Viego - NA Master | Patch 12.722:553League of Legends
2022-04-15Olaf Jungle vs Diana - NA Master | Patch 12.721:502League of Legends
2022-04-15Fiora Top vs Graves - NA Master | Patch 12.727:016League of Legends
2022-04-15Fizz Mid vs Ekko - KR Master | Patch 12.726:104League of Legends
2022-04-15Graves Jungle vs Viego - KR Master | Patch 12.725:519League of Legends
2022-04-15Jinx ADC vs Zeri - NA Grandmaster | Patch 12.728:176League of Legends
2022-04-15Twitch ADC vs Lucian - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.723:108League of Legends
2022-04-15Darius Top vs Sion - NA Master | Patch 12.723:1110League of Legends
2022-04-15Garen Top vs Yone - KR Master | Patch 12.727:483League of Legends
2022-04-15Wukong Top vs Shyvana - NA Master | Patch 12.724:1723League of Legends
2022-04-15Rengar Top vs Riven - NA Grandmaster | Patch 12.720:2819League of Legends
2022-04-15Ashe ADC vs Kai'Sa - KR Master | Patch 12.725:0881League of Legends
2022-04-15Varus ADC vs Xayah - KR Master | Patch 12.728:1757League of Legends
2022-04-15Elise Jungle vs Hecarim - KR Master | Patch 12.724:244League of Legends
2022-04-15Tryndamere Bot vs Ashe - NA Master | Patch 12.723:383League of Legends
2022-04-15Nidalee Jungle vs Ekko - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.727:136League of Legends
2022-04-15Brand Support vs Pyke - NA Master | Patch 12.721:51132League of Legends
2022-04-15Warwick Top vs Camille - NA Master | Patch 12.726:168League of Legends
2022-04-15Lee Sin Jungle vs Nidalee - KR Challenger | Patch 12.725:2015League of Legends
2022-04-15Ekko Jungle vs Jarvan IV - KR Master | Patch 12.721:419League of Legends
2022-04-15Jarvan IV Jungle vs Graves - NA Challenger | Patch 12.727:2826League of Legends
2022-04-15Neeko Top vs Camille - NA Grandmaster | Patch 12.727:2929League of Legends
2022-04-15Rumble Top vs Akshan - KR Challenger | Patch 12.724:1026League of Legends
2022-04-15Akali Top vs Sion - NA Master | Patch 12.732:374League of Legends
2022-04-15Ahri Mid vs Ekko - NA Master | Patch 12.724:429League of Legends
2022-04-15Malzahar Mid vs Sylas - KR Master | Patch 12.723:1439League of Legends
2022-04-15Caitlyn ADC vs Lucian - NA Grandmaster | Patch 12.723:1012League of Legends
2022-04-15Master Yi Top vs Fiora - KR Master | Patch 12.730:5414League of Legends
2022-04-15Rengar Jungle vs Karthus - NA Master | Patch 12.727:1514League of Legends
2022-04-15Pantheon Top vs Kayle - KR Master | Patch 12.722:577League of Legends
2022-04-15Cassiopeia Mid vs Aurelion Sol - NA Grandmaster | Patch 12.727:4612League of Legends
2022-04-15Pyke Mid vs Neeko - KR Master | Patch 12.724:5350League of Legends
2022-04-15Udyr Jungle vs Kha'Zix - NA Master | Patch 12.726:4470League of Legends
2022-04-15Jax Top vs Irelia - KR Challenger | Patch 12.728:326League of Legends
2022-04-14Nidalee Top vs Camille - NA Master | Patch 12.725:1024League of Legends
2022-04-14Xayah ADC vs Jinx - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.719:0655League of Legends
2022-04-14Samira ADC vs Lucian - KR Grandmaster | Patch 12.721:369League of Legends