Guitar Hero World Tour

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Guitar Hero: World Tour - Nintendo Wiki Fandom PageGuitar Hero World Tour - Xbox Wiki Fandom Page

Annual Statistics

YearVideos% of TotalDuration

7-Day Statistics

Last 7-DaysPrevious 7-DaysDifference
Channels: 79-22.22%
Views: 9944,087-75.68%
Videos: 191618.75%
Duration: 0:000:00NEW

30-Day Statistics

Last 30-DaysPrevious 30-DaysDifference
Channels: 1927-29.63%
Views: 10,47619,325-45.79%
Videos: 6197-37.11%
Duration: 4:260:00NEW

Channels With The Most Views

1.Argentina Vercetti952,365,225
2.United States GuitarHeroPhenom1,000,286
3. BlackHawkGawd845,453
4.United States The Escapist651,878
5.France CheatBob400,034
6. TeamDataDrain273,721
7. dbert1024227,203
8.Canada gameguy682227,054
9. azuritereaction220,383
10.Italy Riccardo Cannistrà206,200

Channels With The Most Videos

1.Costa Rica WaurufEx513
2.Argentina Vercetti95285
3.Brazil Henrique GamesX194
4. BlackHawkGawd184
5.Brazil Jeferson Sousa165
6. Keyboardhero139
7.Chile BlasterJ RetroGamer [ENG]133
8. MultiSt3p122
9. xl AeroSmash lx121
10. MainCargo120

Latest Let's Plays For Guitar Hero World Tour

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2024-10-02Philippines Lorenz A TeamGig 9: Strutter's Farm, Kentucky | GHWTDE (Expert Playthrough)31:2331
2024-02-27 Jt playsguitar hero world tour: satch boogie (hard)3:3726
2023-05-09United States poligfyxGuitar Hero World Tour(hard) + 3: Legends of Rock(hard) [Let's Play]3:115
2023-05-04Brazil Jeferson SousaFascination - Alphabeat [GHWTDE] (Performance Mode)3:23183
2022-12-28United Kingdom Squad 87 GamingREAL Guitarist gets DESTROYED by Guitar Hero! 😳8:092,087
2022-10-21United States Anime vibeps2 on the second attempt it still turned out Guitar Hero 10:31322
2022-09-10Germany JuFo NWGuitar Hero World Tour Werbespot 2008 Kobe Bryant, Tony Hawk, Michael Phelps, Alex Rodriguez #short0:33275
2022-04-16 Complete in BoxComplete in Box Plays - Guitar Hero World Tour (360) - Part 629:3868
2022-01-03 MortirusGuitar Hero World Tour + Guitar - console stream Sony Playstation 22:18:2741
2020-09-04Netherlands Snake FriesiaLivestream Snake Friesia :Guitar Hero World Tour (Playstation 2)1:39:26160
2019-05-17Greece petsasjim1Guitar Hero World Tour HYPERSPIN SONY PS2 PLAYSTATION 2 NOT MINE VIDEOSUSA0:3657
2019-03-27Canada No Pain No GameGitaroo Man - Don't Mess with Darude - No Pain No Game14:08143
2018-11-27Sweden _NilsHaxardGuitar Hero World Tour (Playstation 2)52:366,920
2017-10-27Finland fluojnLet's Play eli pelataan: Guitar Hero World Tour osa 11 FINAALI46:32699
2015-10-23Germany Cydo BärskyCommunity Friday [DE/HD/60] #006 Guitar Hero World Tour - Meine krassen Gitarren-Skills!31:4043
2013-06-18 moralgamerPlaytime: Guitar Hero World Tour (Low - Flo-Rida) HD 10806:231,027
2009-08-04 BarthaxGamerWikiGuitar Hero World Tour - Loading Sequence and Attract Mode - Sony PlayStation 27:027,077
2009-01-10Canada The Tech LoftWill SINGSTAR MICROPHONE Work With World Tour On Playstation 3?4:046,157
2008-10-28 neXGamGuitar Hero World Tour (PlayStation 3, XBox 360, Wii) Trailer2:321,038
2008-10-24United States El Mundo TechGuitar Hero World Tour: Risky Business - Kobe, A-Rod, Phelps & Tony Hawk [HD]0:3395,238
2008-08-30United States Danny PeñaPAX08: GTR Staff plays Guitar Hero World Tour4:461,110
2008-07-20United Kingdom steviet7Stickmen Plays Guitar Hero World Tour0:282,295

Latest Reviews For Guitar Hero World Tour

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2023-01-03Australia HJ's CornerGuitar Hero: World Tour (Gametrailers Review) (Xbox 360/PS2/PS3/DS/Wii)9:2726
2021-03-23United States DogebuddhaGuitar Hero World Tour: An In-Depth Review37:41873
2018-08-14United States Bigmetroidfan12Guitar Hero: World Tour review10:039
2015-05-29United States X-Play ArchiveX Play Guitar Hero World Tour Review3:18255
2014-08-20 Wii ISOGuitar Hero World Tour Nintendo Wii Review & iso download4:183,469
2013-12-20 GameOn(1 of 2) Guitar Hero World Tour for Wii: Review1:4566
2013-07-10 moralgamerGuitar Hero World Tour - Review Episode 335:2279
2012-03-30 BcGaming Gateway Reviews : Guitar Hero World Tour1:1313
2010-05-18Malta THEGAMELEADERGuitar Hero World Tour [Guitar Controller] - Review2:58756
2010-05-07 Kohaku233GT Review: Guitar Hero World Tour (Multi-Platform)9:27337
2010-04-04 PatJohnVideosGuitar Hero World Tour xbox 360 review5:01110
2009-10-04 drag00nHardware Review - Guitar Hero World Tour Microphone, Drums, Guitar8:57142
2009-03-16 starsoldier1Guitar Hero World Tour review for the Playstation 3 by Starsoldier1 and Bro5:06467
2008-12-04United Kingdom GamesweaselGuitar Hero World Tour review2:5568,205
2008-11-01 Matt from GamersCastGuitar Hero: World Tour Review and Unboxing | GamersCast13:0013,557
2008-10-26United States HNE GameBreakGuitar Hero: World Tour Review - GameBreak2:411,065

Most Viewed Guitar Hero World Tour Video on YouTube

The most viewed Guitar Hero World Tour video on YouTube is GUITAR HERO WORLD TOUR (Zero Punctuation) with 651,878 views, published by United States The Escapist on July 21, 2011.

Most Liked Guitar Hero World Tour Video on YouTube

The most liked Guitar Hero World Tour video on YouTube is Foo Fighters - Everlong [Guitar Hero: World Tour Definitive Edition] (Showcase) with 28,034 likes, published by Argentina Vercetti95 on September 3, 2022.