Batman: Arkham Origins - incidental glitches

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Duration: 5:19

A collection of glitches that I encountered when I wasn't even trying to break this game!

I: the VR training bat-logo stayed hovering in air even after I had completed the training. I think this glitch happened because I grappled on top of this ledge and hit the logo at the same time my previous training attempt failed.

II: your run-of-the-mill ragdoll glitch.

III: another run-of-the-mill ragdoll glitch.

IV: enemy was stuck running a small lap.

V: Batman fights the evil mole men! For some reason when I was first heading to the Bank, some thugs had spawned inside the roof. I couldn't hit them with any attack except Glue Mine, which made them become glued.

VI: during the Firefly segment I didn't understand where to find Gordon so I went up to the bridge... only to find the low-low-low-low res model of the bridge that the player is never supposed to see up close.

VII: critical interrogation failure. This happened more than once on my playthrough, actually. First time was clearly because I tried to interrogate a thug before the fight was even over, causing him to enter a glitched surrender state where he just stood around like a fool. Not sure if it was the same thing here too. Pretty interesting to see how the thug leans towards Batman in an attempt to appease him, becoming very angled in the process.

VIII: it's very accepting of the thugs to hire vision-impaired people, but maybe they are not optimal to have on guard duty... On one occasion I encountered a foe who was unable to notice Batman's presence in any way shape or form. His eyes were literally closed when he was aiming through the sight of his gun! Even after bullying him around for a while he never tried to attack batman and the option to do a Silent Takedown remained available.

IX: the final boss glitched up. He kind of lingered around even though Batman was in his line of sight. Then I hid from him in a vent in a very obvious way, but he walked right past Batman... and straight into the nearby wall. I don't think any of this was intended to happen.

arkham origins