Batman: Arkham Origins - noise pollution grenades

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Duration: 5:23

Batman's newest weapon in his fight against crime: noise pollution grenades.

You know that soft looping hum you hear when Batman is aiming with glue grenades? That sound can be overlapped over and over again, eventually creating a background sound akin to white noise. This glitch is done by aiming with some gear, then switching to glue grenades and starting to charge a glue cluster grenade before again switching away from glue grenades. And that's it - now you're stuck with an unwanted glue grenade hum looping in the background. Repeat until your ears can't stand it any more.

You can test for yourself how the glue grenade sound is stuck to Batman's character by throwing a remote batarang. Flying further away makes the sound loops go quiet. Meanwhile, flying back to Batman makes the dreadful noise start again. Some other actions like leaping from gargoyle to another or using a zipline also make the audio loop go quiet for a moment... maybe the game doesn't update the location of the audio cues until at the end of the animation? Strangely enough, no enemies will hear this deafening racket.

But this is more than just your average audio glitch since you get some unusual side effects if you overlap the sound loop even more times. Eventually most audio assets start sounding distorted and get some delay to them. The game also lags more than usual. Finally, the game simply gives up on playing audio and goes almost completely silent. All you can hear is music, now heavily lagging, a stray grunt from Batman here and there and some footstep sounds. Quick travelling fixes things, though.

At the end of the video there is a clip of a game crash that may or may not have had something to do with all the stray audio loops playing in the background.

arkham origins
glue grenade