Battlefield: Hardline (PS4) - incidental glitches

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Duration: 5:45

Just some random bugs, plus the results of half-hearted glitch finding in Battlefield: Hardline's single-player campaign (unpatched).


0:00 - an enemy had somehow wandered into a tight space between some shelves. I couldn't arrest him from there, but he finally popped out after becoming alerted. (Sorry for the somewhat dark footage.)

0:36 - a slight mechanics bug. If you throw shells and take out the scanner with a certain timing, the shell becomes your default weapon for some reason. Or that's what it looks like, at least.

When this happens, the control scheme changes a little. I think you can no longer throw shells with the regular input (touch pad). Instead, the regular shoot button throws shells. You also see a slightly glitchy looking "unsheathe" animation for the shells between each hand action.

1:09 - I took out the scanner as I entered a boat. This buffered the scanner action in the background, so when I drove into a cutscene, some of the scanner graphics became overlaid on top of gameplay. And finally, after the cutscene Nick took out the scanner automatically.

1:45 - several times when arresting people, they ended up being shoved inside nearby collision. Here's first example.

2:05 - the menus in this game are glitchy. You can easily regain control inside the menu by pressing Pause while entering a sub-menu like Options.

2:41 - you can even overlap two menus.

3:03 - I also overlapped the gear selection and Pause-menu for fun.

But, to give credit to the Frostbite engine, I couldn't find additional glitches from any of this menu craziness. Even when retrying at a wrong time, etc. Although I didn't try things out too extensively.

3:31 - Tyson ran down the stairs while flickering up and down rapidly.

3:43 - I managed to go out of bounds in one of the later levels. Jump on top of the parked car your characters arrived with and from there sprint jump towards the nearby fence. With some luck, Nick will vault over the fence and then you're out of the playable zone.

Unfortunately it seems that the playable area is delineated in a far more strict fashion in Hardline than in previous Battlefield-games. Instead of arbitrarily placed "don't go there" barriers, here it looks like all the zone outside of a defined playable area kills Nick eventually. So it makes any exploring or sequence breaking through OoB much harder of course.

4:24 - another glitchy arrest.

4:58 - there's a turret set piece where you blow up a ton of vehicles fairly late in the game. When I checked out the aftermath, I found one vehicle where the enemies inside hadn't as much died as just frozen in place.

5:24 - one last glitchy arrest. This is an anti-gravity arrest.
