Check'n INSOMNIA: The Ark

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Duration: 1:47:43

INSOMNIA: The Ark is a post apocalyptic RPG.

It seems like quite a good game but eclectic at the start, one minute I'm a hired goon delivering a package in a mission that went on for 40 to 50 minutes then I wake up and I'm emerging from coma and I'm now in the military? Then after an hour and a half of game play it finally wanted me to select my player class, what next? Two days in and it's all a dream? It appears as though they have tacked a demo on the start that doesn't really tie in with the story. I think if I didn't select prologue at the start it might not have done this but you don't expect it to be so off topic. I wanted to play the game until it settled down and the real story and atmosphere emerged but the intro stuff just went on too long. It's not necessarily a bad thing because it indicates a big game, it's just bad for us reviewers because I have had to base my opinions on what I got to see.

Basically it appears to be a fun RPG game with simple but nice combat mechanics. I wasn't able to shoot down the security droids so I selected the melee sword and I was able to strike them until they dropped, with each blow stunning them so they couldn't kill me. Stealth is also used to sneak passed guards or conduct a stealth take down and of course there are guns. Components and odds and ends are found everywhere, I assume they are for a crafting system later in the game. I think it would be a nice game to set aside an afternoon and play. The graphics are also very good but you can't tilt the camera which takes a bit of getting used to because it's usually a staple. The base settings for the audio are terrible as all the narration is drowned out by the music, not sure why they did that?

There seems to be a nice story emerging and all in all it seems to offer a lot for the $30 asking price with a reasonably good production quality and what appears to be a big RPG game. If I had the time I would like to of played more and I don't think you'll be disappointed with it if you give it a shot. Just remember it's not perfect, I got stuck at one point for no reason and had to load my last check point, also some sounds are annoying so tweak the audio to your needs. Take a look at my video for some game play footage then if you like what you see you can head over to the following link where it is available on Steam...
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Check'n Games
game play
Let's Play
Mono Studio
insomnia: the ark