Hare-Brained Team - Episode 4: Taz-tlevania

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3yFagQn8IA

Duration: 1:35:52

Originally recorded: February 1, 2024
As expected, this was a pretty quick wrap-up. In fact, if I hadn't decided to show off both endings, I would've been done before midnight. Of course, that just makes me even more pissed off that I couldn't do a full session last week. I could've finished this one up before the end of the month without any problems if not for that major hiccup.

Zoovania probably had the most interesting gimmick of any of the "secondary" areas in the game. At first, it didn't seem to fit with the horror theming of Transylvania, but forcing time to move forward between day and night brought it more in line with the final world. The final area was a bit more linear than I would've expected... but the puzzles definitely made up for it. The final boss was pretty interesting too, though I'd say that Babba was probably my favorite boss fight in the entire game.

I was hoping to speed up the process of getting both endings, but fortunately, I managed to save at the exact perfect time to give me the opportunity to showcase both of them anyway. Just not in the order I'd originally intended. My audience seemed to be fairly surprised by just how mean-spirited both endings were. Of course, I can't really deny that watching Daffy get eaten alive by a vampire or fumigated after being shrunk down to the size of a mouse seemed to be played for laughs. Though I can't really figure out if that's because of the janky 3D animation or how they were written.

KI seems to think that I wasn't harsh enough with my score, but honestly, switching over to a functional controller fixed about 90% of my issues with this game. Of course, the swimming controls are still hot garbage, but that's been par for the course in the 3D space for generations. Sure, it pales in comparison to the Spyro trilogy -- yes, even the first game -- but most fifth-gen collect-a-thons were released for the competition and this one definitely falls into the realm of competent, even if the character switching mechanics are a bit clunky. All-in-all, not a bad way to kick off PLATFORMERAMA!

bugs bunny & taz: time busters
artificial mind & motion
let's play
first playthrough
video games