WoTeS: Part #6 The Treasure Hunt

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sZhwftfJUA

Duration: 1:03:00

Summary: I was short on coin and couldn't recall exactly where the entrance to the jungle was at first, so I went exploring. I even stopped by the final cave just to see that message telling us to leave immediately.

(once again, you can skip my blather here if you don't feel like reading, otherwise enjoy!)

Story: Day ?? The shop keepers supplies have greatly improved, some truly quality items for sale now! However we are all short on coin, and I swear their hiking up their prices out of pure spite. The townsfolk as well seem to be losing it, uttering pure gibberish between intelligible dialogue when we try to speak to them.

We left to explore and perhaps find some treasure to fund our search for these..gold skin brethren that lizard chief mentioned. We traveled back the usual route across the bridge, along the way our rogue Kleptica spotted something suspicious between two trees. We investigated and found a hidden set of stairs that led to the basement remains of some old castle, within was a tribe of minotaur who was none too keen on us being there. Our skill exceeded theirs and we walked away with a decent amount of treasure, a good start I'd say.

We continued up north, stopping in on a cave we spotted before, when we entered we was greeted by that same fire giant from before, *did I mention him before? I can't recall, fairly certain I did* at any rate, I had a particularly powerful spell memorized which incapacitated the fiend, which allowed us to dispatch it with ease. Much to all of our surprise however was the prehistoric sabertooth pack and the dreaded red dragon we encountered!

I was for sure we was done for when it emerged, but it much like the giant fell prey to this ancient spell of entanglement. Truly I did not expect it to work, but it did, and we walked away very rich indeed, for its hoard was significant. We went a ways back further in, and came to an exit, but the heat coming from the other side deterred us and we thought better on it.

Once our curiosity was sated we returned to the entrance back outside , from there we decided to go east from the beastmen's lair. We found several caves hidden amongst the canyon walls in various locations. None appeared to contain gold skinned brethren but we did find some valuables in a few of them.

Healena here, we lost Arkane in the last cave, we got surrounded by a group of cave bears, and Arkane couldn't retreat fast enough, poor mage tripped on his robes and was mauled. But thank Sune the damage was not beyond repair, we will rest beneath the cliff walls tonight and limp back to the city, there we can revive him...hopefully. Kleptica claims she spotted a suspicious cave we missed on the way down, maybe that's where these supposed gold skinned pagans live? - Healena

Tip: Behold the untamed power of the Entangle spell! Not even fire giants and red dragons can withstand its might! Mwhahaha...seriously though, who would have thought such a low level, simple spell could be that powerful? Well it is, use it well my friends, its basically the great neutralizer.

(not so much a tip persay) I forget which cave had what, but save your coin, don't waste your money buying Plate +1 or a Bow +1 or a Sword +2 back in town because you will get one for free if you grab the dragons treasure below the beastmen caves.