WoTeS: Part 5 - Malpheggi Swamp

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJ1dnh5Szig

Duration: 1:17:19

Summary: Finally made it to the swamp and lingered a bit, tried to find a dinosaur but couldn't get one to spawn, they are there though.

(feel free to skip my stories if you don't want a long read, heh, just something I enjoy doing, I'm an author as well.)
Story time: Day ?? We restocked back in the city, the shops was actually carrying magical equipment as well as some improved basic gear this time, how they came by this? I could not say. Sir Kulation, I jab at him often, but much to my irritation he is quite brilliant, not as brilliant as I mind you, but for a fighter he is quite clever. He thought it prudent to save time, given the deteriorating cognitive faculties of our people, to take a caravan back to the beastmen's lair. There was a touch of madness about them and I fear its only going to get worse.

We battled through a multitude of foes, even fought an ancient lizard I had only seen a crude drawing of in one of my books, unfortunately I found myself poisoned along the way, but fortune favored us as there was an antidote nearby. We eventually found the exit and stepped outside to find ourselves in a great swamp. I wonder if this is the swamp the villagers spoke of? They claimed there was dinosaurs here. Note to self, remind me to question how the unarmed villagers even knew about the swamp and the possibility of dinosaurs, much less survived to get here on their own.

We traveled in that fetid foul swamp for what seemed like forever, but there was two places of important note I'd like to point out, there was a tree with magical properties that healed us immediately. Not far from it was a pool of curious water that appeared to have the ability to bring back the recently departed, must wondrous! What was not so wondrous was the unwelcome ambush we received when we tried to parlay with the lizard folk of the swamp. We survived the encounter, but not before the chieftain cursed us and our gold skinned brethren to the north....hmmm, if and when we get out of here we need to look into that.

We tarried longer in the swamp than I would have liked, but Sir Kulation was Hells bent on finding a dinosaur. He claimed "no! That villager swore to us there was dinosaurs, well where are they!?' I think the madness might be creeping up on us a little as well, we did however happen to run into a hydra before we left, those are quite rare and very deadly. Thankfully we was prepared for it, and made our way back through the caves, and to the city. The welcome we received was less than favorable, our people are losing what little minds they had to begin with, even our king! -Arkane

Tip: Never underestimate the glory of unlimited ammunition and the machine gun capabilities of the sling and bow...lol.

2: Also the game was limited to a degree on how the foes could hit you in 1st person view, so if your quick enough, or use the corners, you can avoid getting hit at all.