Zed Blade, NMK 1994 (Neo-Geo)

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JR6hTmiwKys

Zed Blade (1994)
Duration: 43:46

Colorful, attractive horizontal shooter that's a good introduction into shooters-- not too difficult (up till the final stage) and the enemy bullets don't move particularly fast, giving you time to dodge them and learn the basics of avoiding bullets in the shooting genre. Nice power-ups give you a leg up on the enemy here, like increasing the speed and count of your missiles, shots and bombs. Another cool aspect about this game is before you start you get to choose your fighter (one REALLY slow guy, a medium-speed guy and a fast female fighter, who I would recommend), and you choose not only which type of forward shot you want, you also get to choose which REVERSE shot you want (yes, you can shoot behind yourself as well as forward!), and you choose which type of bomb you want (you get only three unless you pick up another). You then go to battle in the first of several stages, all of which end in a boss. If you collect power ups and die, don't despair-- they will still be floating around and you can pick them up with ease on your next life! Anytime you face an annoying enemy that has waving arms and a sensitive center (you'll see which type), USE A BOMB! His center takes a lot of hits and he shoots a lot of lasers, so the sooner you can waste him the better. As your shot power increases, you can hold down the fire button and you'll continually release a steady stream of shots. This gets SUPER helpful on the later levels when enemies start to swarm big-time! If you've never tried Zed Blade, I recommend you give it a go-- you might be surprised at its playability; I sure was. But what the hell does NMK stand for?

Zed Blade
Neo Geo
reverse shot
Norse mythology
Operation Ragnarok