Coromon YouTube Views and Videos


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Coromon - Steam Store Page

Annual Statistics

YearVideos% of TotalDuration

7-Day Statistics

Last 7-DaysPrevious 7-DaysDifference
Channels: 1011-9.09%
Views: 128629-79.65%
Videos: 1217-29.41%
Duration: 0:000:00NEW

30-Day Statistics

Last 30-DaysPrevious 30-DaysDifference
Channels: 39382.63%
Views: 13,81544,042-68.63%
Videos: 99201-50.75%
Duration: 0:000:00NEW

Channels With The Most Views

1.Canada Gym Leader Ed3,090,744
2.United Kingdom HeroVoltsy1,255,339
3.Spain UVESITOO650,492
4.United States Lockstin & Gnoggin637,899
5. Insignerar623,833
6.United States Kenjamin617,153
7.Italy Cydonia & Chiara465,596
8.Spain Seber PC442,587
9.United States aDrive433,760
10.Colombia GULOX417,871

Channels With The Most Videos

1.United States CoroJou754
2.Canada Gym Leader Ed234
3. QuadOstrich131
4.Germany PokédachsVT128
5.United Kingdom DanyO_Q121
6.United States Sallymumble115
7. Insignerar112
8.Germany Firef4lke112
9.United States Kenjamin107
10.United Kingdom eMPlay's Modetro107

Latest Let's Plays For Coromon

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2024-07-31 Stuttgart WriterLets Play "Coromon" I Schwierigkeitsgrad "Unmöglich" I Part: 11 I Illugin Bossfight27:1310
2024-03-09Germany StavicomDer SCHWIERIGE Titanen-Rush! | #36 Let's Play Coromon (Walkthrough) [Deutsch/German]2:32:2649
2024-02-24 QuadOstrichTime To Get Chilly! | Coromon | Playthrough3:06:2643
2024-01-09 Grey JaggerLet's play Coromon part 4 the alphabet puzzle26:387
2023-12-18United States Ghost ShinigamiCoromon (Part 2)1:43:3462
2023-12-14United Kingdom Callam001Coromon (PC) - Full Playthrough11:36:4746
2023-12-06Germany YoloHunterDieser Nerd ist NERVIG | Let's Play Coromon Folge #215:3116
2023-12-02United Kingdom HexTreeCoromon Let's Play - Insane difficulty (Nuzlocke) - part 4 "Hozai"4:47:1941
2023-11-16United States KlayhtCoromon Ranked 3v3 PvP! - Making 200 IQ Plays!!21:451,139
2023-11-10Belgium TheDanael512Un nouveau Titan !!! : Coromon Mode ATROCE !!! [Let's Play FR]1:48:3554
2023-11-08United States GameBrainzCoroMon #Gameplay With #Ps4controller #Coromon #Playstore #Keymapping #Pandagamepadpro #Pokémon21:357
2023-11-01Philippines ♡𖤐Sonata Dawnstar𖤐♡Coromon (Mobile) - This AMAZING Game... Is FINALLY COMING To MOBILE!!!4:3850
2023-09-04Germany UrlaubUntergrund, Geister Katzen und Geister-TITAN I Coromon I Part 11.237:301
2023-09-03France Loup Lassinat-FoubertLet's play (fr) Coromon #12 : Sart, le Titan des sables1:04:43214
2023-08-13United States Mr. Dave PizzaNEW Let's Play: Coromon - A Turn-Based Creature Collector JRPG37:59140
2023-07-07United States ToxicTrent🔴 Coromon First Playthrough! 🤘☣🤘1:57:0578
2023-06-23United States KarkinosThis Guy Doin Sexy Taunt #coromon #youtube #pcgaming #creamofthecrop #shorts #letsplay0:306
2023-06-09United Kingdom DanyO_QCoromon FULL Version [47] THE END!!!53:3547
2023-05-19Germany REVIVE _COROMON ► #ENDE ⛌ (Das pure Böse!)1:04:4411
2023-05-04United States KantorockKanto Lets Play: Coromon - Pt0021:32:563
2023-05-03United States TTV_HighpingEa Login Servers are down for me, so we will be playing coromon tonight come help us get em all :)2:15:3518
2023-05-02United States MindlessMeatLet's Play Coromon: Lots of Side Quests1:01:1144
2023-04-28Finland Ilpo PelaaKatsokaapa tätä kummituskakkaa! Ilpo Pelaa Coromonia Randomilla osa 217:4017
2023-04-13 SkyFlourishSkyFlourish Plays | Coromon | Part 8 - The Final Titan (FINALE) [VOD]1:58:1576
2023-04-07Brazil Simbora GamesDERROTANDO O HOZAI - JOIAS DO INFINITO: 4 DE 6 - Coromon - Gameplay - Let's play - Parte 161:05:26103

Latest Reviews For Coromon

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2024-04-21New Zealand JT Gaming Bundles[REVIEW] Special Editions Bundle - March 2024 – Fanatical17:02254
2024-03-09United States maevely"it's like Pokemon, but you're an adult with a job" (Coromon Demo Dive)29:4869
2024-01-09Mexico jexuxCoromon Es El Mejor Juego Basado En Pokemon?【 Review 】8:231,623
2023-12-25United States Gaming In The MomentCoromon Review (iOS/Android)4:45352
2023-11-18United States KepsinIce Goat Glacikid is Great! | Coromon Review0:263,457
2023-09-03Latvia PhantomDogmanCoromon Review11:0323
2023-06-17United States SallymumbleBest Monster Taming Games for Nintendo Switch!7:49667
2023-04-21United States America's Video GamesRating Review Ep 2 - Coromon7:53230
2023-03-24 DieGamingEckeWie gut ist Coromon? | Coromon (Switch) im Test | Review5:50325
2022-10-27Canada Gym Leader EdCan We Beat a Coromon Nuzlocke Without Evolving!?1:05:141,200
2022-09-10Switzerland AC SunnyCoromon (Besseres Pokemon?) Grosse Review nach fast 50h Spielzeit! (Switch)56:2942
2022-09-05Italy WizardVava Gaming 💜 Monster Hunter LoverCoromon Part 2 - Gameplay on the Nintendo Switch!4:07:1669
2022-08-28United States SaiyaRan GamingThe BEST Pokémon-like of 2022 and it's not even CLOSE! | Coromon Nintendo Switch Review6:36131
2022-08-17 Fe OzzyMini Reviews - Coromon #shorts0:40330
2022-07-28Germany Defwalker90Coromon I Review I Deutsch I Tipps I erster Titan I Quizduell Tipp in der Videobeschreibung28:33120
2022-07-24United States Next Gen Video Game TheoryCoromon Review | Retro Pokemon Like Game3:4629
2022-07-18Singapore ZepDownTime【Review】Coromon7:56150
2022-07-17United States Scion StormCoromon - Hype Impressions/Pokemon-like/Quick Taste13:254,143
2022-06-30Finland Jakkii | Game NightIndie Review - Coromon [ PC ]4:345,571
2022-05-25 Sir EquisCombates por todos lados - Coromon ep 0733:345
2022-05-14United States Lunar Nebula GamingLet’s Review Coromon on Steam!20:14101
2022-05-07United States Lockstin & GnogginExplaining ALL the Coromon! ✨ Gnoggin20:30185,598
2022-04-22Brazil PinguiresCoromon em 3 minutos - Review3:185
2022-04-19United Kingdom TangocissCoromon first impressions review4:0344

Most Viewed Coromon Video on YouTube

The most viewed Coromon video on YouTube is 🔴 La Copia "Barata" De POKEMON | Coromon #1 with 459,642 views, published by Spain UVESITOO on July 23, 2022.

Most Liked Coromon Video on YouTube

The most liked Coromon video on YouTube is I Played 5 Pokemon-likes So You Don't Have To! | Gnoggin with 22,088 likes, published by United States Lockstin & Gnoggin on May 27, 2022.