Sacred 2 - menu glitches

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Duration: 2:42

Sacred 2 is a pretty decent game, although rough around the edges. One way the roughness manifests is in the menus that are vulnerable to a few glitches.

I: you can press 'accept' and 'cancel' at the same time when creating a new character to return to main menu before completing character selection. This causes two menus to overlap and narration to play in the background for no reason. Afterwards no new character is created, even if you go all the way through with character creation.

II: using this or a similar menu exploit I could accidentally create glitchy Lv. 1 characters. They have default settings in every other respect but they lack a name!

III: a strange glitch from when I was starting a new game with a Temple Guardian. Any empty slots in the skill quick select menu became full of icons of an armor - an item that is not possible to slot. Trying to use the 'armor' slot just caused an unarmed attack, and after that the glitch became fixed until the next time I wanted to slot something.

IV: overlapping slot menu and normal gameplay by pressing 'accept' and 'map' at the same time when choosing to slot something. Gameplay continues blurred in the background as normal. Pressing most button closes the slot menu like normal, unless other menus are open in which case they take priority. Not sure if additional glitches could be created by using some attack at the same time you switch its slot.

Any overlapped menus are very persistent and do not go away by themselves. You can die or teleport and they are still active.

V: you can also overlap other sub-menus in the same way. But it seems that this kind of prompts like "scrap", "auto-equip" or "quit game" become completely useless once glitched, and nothing happens whether you accept or cancel them. Too bad, I was hoping to first sell, then scrap the same item...

Sacred 2: Fallen Angel (Video Game)