Meegah Mem II: Any% Speedrun - 20:59

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Duration: 24:20

One more for the road. Meegah Mem II returns for a final hurrah hitting a milestone time barely cracking the 20:5X in nail-biting fashion. This run has a set of some pretty major deviations and adjustments compared to my last runs up to this point, but in spite of the game being dumb and my some of my own mess, I *reeeeeeeeally* want to say that I can finally put this game down and move on to other games to try to run; be it either start on or improve. However, before I put the final nails in this run, let's go over a few things.

First off, let's talk about some changes to the run. First and foremost, the biggest change to the run was now the fact that Flehs Mem comes before Metil Mem in the order. This is for one reason: it was recently found that my old strat of using Itme-1 to bypass the crushers ended up being slower. Using Tim Steppr in that area ends up being a few seconds faster, so that required to have Flehs done early. Flehs could be done at any time after Kresh in the route with my given order, but I simply just chose to do the stage after Wud.

That said, Flehs' stage itself deserves mention because it got a new stage routing which is quite fitting for the game. Thinking that there is something that can be done at the start going over the whole first area of Flehs Mem's stage, I decided to do so and just keep going straight. One can assume what I ended up figuring out: you can keep going straight to the end with no resistance up to the boss door saving a significant amount of time. Following up with Metil again, aside from time stopping strats, it was also learned that if you fire in the opposite direction, hold the "shoot" button and keep moving in the direction of forward progression, Meegah Mem will continue to move backwards until you let go of said button. This actually has the benefit of doing instant reverse damage boosting every time you take a hit which helped forward movement in the second half of Metil's stage which saves time over continuous Itme-1 usage just like in the crusher section mentioned earlier. The new strats from Metil and Flesh alone shortened the time a lot.

There were some other discoveries as well such as the odd ability to do something akin to a "double jump" in the water sections of Bubbil Mem's stage (of which I used to varying degrees of success). This is also addtion to a much more aggressive Alien fight, killing it faster than before. There are other things that made this run faster that I have done not shown here on my YouTube channel that I've done in other PB videos, but I won't go into detail as to keep descriptions down to talk about other things. If there are questions about those extra strats, feel free to ask.

Continuing on, as one may expect, despite hitting a milestone time, it did not come without some pretty noteable mistakes that almost costed me the sub-21. First off was the minor snafu in Flehs where I auto-piloted an input that sent me to my default weapon when I didn't need to. It wasted time due to the extra time in the menu going to my "Bumrs" for the Flehs fight. Second, and more egregious, was the stretch between Willey 3 and 4: the Gtus Tank fight was not great getting four jumps to kill instead two, or even three to keep the time bleed to a minimum. Following that, input errors trying to climb the ladder at the start of Willey 4 messed up the timing for enemies along the way including the time loss missing the ladder in the first place. While there are other minor losses, these that I mentioned are the ones that nearly did me in, but somehow, things still held together and hit this run time.

To that extent, there is also a time save in the Boobeams that I opted out of where you can place a Bumr in the upper left area between one turret and a destructable wall. Doing this can save a shot, not need the weapon ammo (assuming you don't miss any shots after), and save time that way. However, thanks to Meegah's large hitbox and the very small area to jump through, it's very easy to bonk and/or miss the shot outright. It's free time save if anyone can get that shot. (Shoutouts to MooMoony, Canadian runner, for this strat.)

All in all, this was still a decent run where things still held together to hit a time I didn't think was possible until recently. To which I want to thank all the players that made this possible in one way or another: MegaMarino (the genesis of which all runs began, afaik), Siberianbull9 (creator of the pause strat on the dragon), jjyo (Korean runner that first utiilized the "Weapon Get" skip that drastically got times down during that period), and tarisuman (Japanese runner that found the most recent strats I utilized for Metil, Flehs and Bubbil; except for the ceiling strat in Flehs, that one was my idea). These people helped me get the time so low over the years.

With this, I think it's time to forge on to new things, so "Thx 4 da memrees", Meegah Mem II. Take care and enjoy the video.