Streets of Rage 2

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Duration: 1:00:45

Here's my playthrough of the amazing sequel to the excellent beat 'em up Streets of Rage a.k.a. Bare Knuckle for the Sega Genesis and Mega Drive video game systems, called Streets of Rage 2 a.k.a. Bare Knuckle 2 for the Sega Genesis and Mega Drive video game systems. --GRAND UPPER!--

This is only like the 5th time in my life I'm playing--GRAND UPPER!-- through this game as I didn't have it when I was a kid, and it's a --GRAND UPPER!-- shame really because it's clearly a big improvement over the original and would be one of my all time favourite video games if I could look at it through nostalgia goggles.
I really like the --GRAND UPPER!-- increased amount of moves you can pull off in this game. I actually had to go look up a FAQ to see from move lists what the hell kind of --GRAND UPPER!-- moves I was accidentally pulling off the first time I played and mashed buttons. There are like 4 different aerial moves, a move that requires holding down --GRAND UPPER!-- attack and releasing it while pressing forward, attacks on held enemies differ depending on whether you press a direction or not, and my favourite new thing is the --GRAND UPPER!-- charge move executed by --GRAND UPPER!-- double tapping forward and attack, which with Axel does a thing called grand --GRAND UPPER!-- upper.

You can now throw all weapons and apparently hold on to knives infinitely, but throwing a weapon does very little damage and regular knife slashes barely damage enemies at all, so I like using the --GRAND UPPER!-- weapons in this game much less than in the original. I wouldn't mind if the weapons didn't even exist at all, because due to the --GRAND UPPER!-- item pick up button being attack as well, you --GRAND UPPER!-- end up picking up items when trying to attack and leave yourself completely open for attacks, although at one point in this video I actually survive an attack unharmed BECAUSE Axel was bending down to pick up money just as an enemy threw a punch.
There are also considerably less invincibility frames for the player during --GRAND UPPER!-- certain moves than in the original. Signals can even --GRAND UPPER!-- slide attack into you when you're --GRAND UPPER!-- flipping over an enemy, which just makes no god--GRAND UPPER!--damn sense.

The special attack in this game is a health-draining power move, which just simply put sucks. --GRAND UPPER!-- It, or they as there's actually two but I personally have trouble executing the sweeping punch one, always drains the players health whether it hits enemies or not, it's uncancelable so if you miss you're vulnerable for --GRAND UPPER!-- the entire duration of the attack, it is more likely to miss than regular attacks, against certain special enemies like Abadede who have a recovery attack if you combo them too much it will always backfire on you and the biggest punch in the --GRAND UPPER!-- gut is that the damage it deals is so crap that it would only barely make it worth the --GRAND UPPER!-- risk of using it even if it didn't damage the player at all. It's only --GRAND UPPER!-- useful when you're locked in a hold or getting combo'ed since it can break most basic enemy attacks, but the other 99% of the game time it just seems useless to me. --GRAND UPPER!--

Overall I really, really like this game and from now on will probably play it instead of the original when I feel like playing a classic beat 'em up. Maybe 15 years from now I'll look at it through nostalgia goggles as well and love it even more.

Streets Of Rage 2 (Video Game)
Streets of Rage 2
Street fighting
beat 'em up
Bare Knuckle 2
Bare Knuckle
Mr. X
Video Game
Mega Drive
Sega Genesis
Sega Mega Drive