5F) Yuugi Hoshiguma (Labyrinth of Touhou 1 Special Disc)

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TtDnKHY5Ts

Duration: 3:34

This fight should look familiar if you played Labyrinth of Touhou 2. If you don't know how this fight works, Yuugi will fight normally (with very painful, physical attacks) until she hits half HP. Then she spams her nuke on the leftmost character until she has no more HP or you run out of characters, whichever comes first.

The one big difference in this fight comes from LOT1's general system differences. AKA because Evasion does not work, Yuugi's nuke is guaranteed to kill somebody. It's impossible to tank Yuugi's attacks once she starts using her nuke, so this fight is really a damage race (the first of its kind in LOT1, and definitely not the last).

If you aren't able to access Yuugi yet, it's because you haven't done 500 fights yet. You can check how many fights you've completed in the save menu.

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Character Build:

Yuugi: Last time I played her, I used a HP/DEF build and played her mostly as a tank. She's not terrible in the role, since she can spam Irremovable Shackles for PAR, but ATK build Yuugi is extremely strong. There's one Plus Disc boss who made me regret not building her for ATK, so just do it. LOT1 Yuugi isn't as ridiculously busted as LOT2 Yuugi, but she has her own advantages, like not having to worry about accuracy / dodge. Other differences include having an actual AOE spell, and her Knockout In Three Steps skill having a different element (FIR).

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