Beyond the Expected | Almog KOREN

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Duration: 28:47

In today's market developing games is becoming more competitive were most of the time is spent on the actual game very limited time is spent on leaderbaords, scoring and game achievements yes every game has a scoring system but how creative is it?

Creative leaderbaords, scoring and game achievements can have huge impact on your game and when you consider having your game accessible on different platforms this issue becomes much more important.

In this session we will cover the benefits of leaderbaords, scoring and game achievements how you can be creative when adding this features into your games. We will talk about the importance of cross platform and go beyond the basic covering user login to advanced features. We will cover the Added value this can bring to your game and how it can help your game be successful and improve revenue.

Delivered at Casual Connect Kyiv, October 2011.

Casual Connect Kyiv 2011
Casual Connect
Almog Koren