Exit Fate #25 - A Lull in the War

Exit Fate #25 - A Lull in the War

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66e28blzSLE

Duration: 13:19

Exit Fate is a role playing game made in RPGMaker by SCF. With 75 characters to recruit, a mixture of typical turn based combat and war battles, and an engaging story, the result is a very Suikoden-esque game.

The latest version of the game can always be found here:


Version being played: 1.02

Keyser's been captured and Kirgard's down one of their most important generals. No time better than now to celebrate this victory at Elysium Castle, but two people are joining Daniel's army. Bast we're already familiar with, but Shiro's also tagging along since his samurai honor dictates a debt that needs to be repaid, thusly he will serve Daniel until the war's truly over. I'll mention his stats at the end of the video.

Back at Kirgard, Bruce is clearly up in arms with Keyser's capture. When he mentions it to Leonius, he damn near immediately jumps on the chance to help him out in getting back at the State Army. How they plan to do it is anyone's guess, but Leonius does mention another group of people he wants to enlist.

At Elysium, with Kirgard out of the picture for awhile until they reconfigure their plans to account for Keyser's capture, Daniel finally has a chance to deal with another matter.

As you seen in the past, there's several times where Daniel mysteriously has a memory gap and unable to recall specific events like the Kelsinger Pass incident. Rather than sit around and wait for a specific word or catchphrase to trigger a recollection at a very bad time, he's going to head to Faraday University in the Oischin region and speak to the headmistress there. They're currently doing research on human memory so she may be able to help Daniel out.

While we could get on that next time, there's a whole bunch of recruitable characters to go after in the new chapter so I'll be knocking those out. Before this video concludes...Shiro!

Shiro's statline sets him up to be an interesting crit happy character. Very similar to Swordmasters from the Fire Emblem series with average strength, but the highest accuracy of any character in the game and very high skill. Better yet, he has an A rank relationship with Bast who reciprocates that A rank so the duo make a formidable combo for an offensive frontline.

More next time!

Exit Fate